Sign Up for email notifications from one or more List-Servers

Updated June 20, 2014

E-Mail Subscription Lists

This e-mail list-server system allows members to voluntary receive group announcements for specific activities. Sign up for any of the email lists by clicking any of the the subscribe link below. Your local email client** will open with the "From" and "To" filled in. (If your computer asks you to configure a client, see the next highlighted paragraph for help.) Anything you put in the subject line or the body of the e-mail will be ignored. Then [Send] the e-mail. Check your email for a confirmation e-mail with directions to confirm your request. Open the confirmation email, click [Reply] and then [Send] to finalize subscribing. Do this for each of the activities that you wish to receive announcements from. Sending an "unsubscribe" uses the same method. You will not receive a confirmation email, but you will get a notification that you are unsubscribed.

For members with multiple emails or a webmail account, sign up using the following method. Assume you have a Cox account and a Yahoo webmail account. You want emails from the list-server to go to your Yahoo email account. When you click on the subscribe line, your default local email client will pop up ready to send an email, or if you do not have an email client on your computer, a popup will ask you to do so. Ignore the request and close the popup. Use the mouse cursor to copy the subscription address (eg., open up your Yahoo account, and paste the address in the Yahoo "To:" line. Then send the blank email. Now all the list-server emails will go to your Yahoo account.

Webmaster note: Spam filters may block your response to the confirming email from the list-server. That means when you reply (the [Reply] and [Send] above) you may get a error message or indication that the response was not sent. If you have a problem send the webmaster an email with the list-server groups you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to and they will be entered manually.

If you sign up for any of the activity groups, please also sign up for General Chapter announcements. These emails are messages that affect, or have interest to all the activity groups.

General Chapter Announcements

Moderators: Russ Miller, Gregg O'Brien, Bob Tessitore
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Local Hikes Activities

Moderators: Kerry Green, Sid Wax
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Tostop e-mail notifications:

Northern Hikes Activities

Moderators: Ed Poyer, Paula Guarino
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Moderators: Linda Pease
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Moderators: Chris Shafer, Dav Cranmer
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Biking Activities

Moderator: Marcie Madsen
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Flatwater Paddling Activities

Moderator: Linda Pease
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Sea Kayaking Activities

Moderator: Mike Krabach
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XC-Skiing Activities

Moderators: Ann Piascik, Steve Harrington, Chris Shafer
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Family Outing Activities

Moderators: Debbie Mitchell, Kathy Raposa, Chris Shafer
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Young Members Activities

Moderator: Scott Disnard
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Dog Walkers Activities

Moderator: Bonnie England
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** The difference between an email client and webmail is how you retrieve your email. An email client (eg. 'Outlook' for Windows) is a program that automatically pulls your email from your ISP mail server and allows you to read your email on your computer, even if you are later unconnected to the network. Webmail needs a browser to read your emails on a remote email site. An example is gmail, where your email is read using a browser to connect to the gmail mail server. You need to be connected to the network to read your webmail.

Just a member subscribing to email? Then you can ignore the rest of this page


Explaining the email format

Subscribing or unsubscribing to any group using any email platform, is based on a simple format. Example; is a combination of three words; bike, subscribe, and 'Bike' is the group, 'subscribe' is the request and '' is the destination. A '-' separates the group and request. So the email form is, where the request is either subscribe or unsubscribe.

Are you already subscribed?

To determine if you are subscribed to any of the list-server groups, you can use the request word 'query'. As an example, to determine if I was subscribed to the sea kayaking group, I sent an email to using my preferred email client. Note that if you have several email addresses, this will only check the email address that you are sending the email from. The response email is below. Ignore the robot statement "I've been unable to carry out your request..." and note that it states "...was already on the testlist mailing list when I received your request, and remains a subscriber." If you are not a subscriber your email reply will state "...was not on the testlist mailing list when I received your request and is not a subscriber of this list."

Moderator Instructions

To send an e-mail to your list subscribers, just open your e-mail program and create an e-mail. The address must be the "group", with "group" being the name of the list. So for the bike moderator to e-mail a message to the 'bike' group; the address is Note that groups that appear to be double words, ie. local hikes, northern hikes, and tech climbing are really connected with an underscore between words. So an e-mail to local hikes would be addressed as

You can attach documents, photos, or files to the email. Email text will be send as ascii characters, in plain text format. You can send web links in the body of the email. You must include the http://... for it to be an active link, ie.

The following example was done using the “testlist” procedure at the bottom of the page. Moderators who have not sent a message via the list-server are encouraged to try the procedure using the “testlist”group.

All messages sent from a moderator will be sent back to the moderator. A post coming from a moderator will be sent for confirmation only to the registered group moderator. This is done to confirm that the message was really posted by the group moderator and isn't spoofed. The message will not be sent to all moderators, only to the one who posted it.

When you receive your confirmation email, do not be confused with the “testlist-reject.....” in the From line. That is where it came from, you are replying to “testlist-accept”. The example below shows a submittal confirmation. If you accept the confirmation email, just click [Reply] and [Send]. You will always get this lengthy confirmation email when you send out a group email.

This list mail system is controlled by your webmaster and originates from our host site. When the the e-mail refers to an "owner" of the list, it is referring to the webmaster, not the moderator.

If any moderator wants a list of those members who have subscribed to their group, send an empty e-mail to your group, using the control word "list". So the email address to "yourgroup" would be (Be careful, the “-” in the address is required.) If you are having trouble, contact your webmaster.

Also for your convenience, the webmaster can pre-subscribe any e-mail addresses you have for your group. Please get the approval of your members before having them added to any list-server group. The policy if the chapter is not to add anyone with out their approval. Verbal approval is considered adequate.

For Testing and Practice using the list-server
Moderators Only

Moderators: All the group moderators.

This "testlist" group has been setup for moderators to tryout and use the list-server without sending e-mails to any current subscribers in their own group. All activity leaders have been pre-subscribed as a moderator, but not as subscribers. A moderator who wishes to test the list-server should subscribe to the "testlist" group first. Any test e-mails they send will only go to themselves and any other subscribers in the "testlist" group. Any moderator can see subscribers to the "testlist" group by sending an e-mail, as in the above paragraph, to Test e-mails should be identified as “only a test” in the Subject line (you need a Subject otherwise it will not go through), in case there are other subscribers in the testlist. Put any test message to yourself in the body of the email. Send the email (use the email client you subscribed with) to . You will get the confirmation email and can reply/send to the confirmation, as explained above. You will then get your test message in your email box from the “testlist” group. If after testing, you do not want to receive test e-mails from any of the other moderators, you should then unsubscribe from the "testlist" group.

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