The Gansett Gazette


From the Chair

Happy New Year to all!
Yesterday I reluctantly put my kayak into winter storage and moved my snowshoes, skis and micro spikes to the forefront of my basement storage area. Today, I hiked in a light t-shirt, and several friends are playing 18 holes of golf. Very interesting winter so far! Our Chapter Activities are proceeding on schedule, offering a variety of activities to get us all outdoors, even if it feels more like spring than January. Be sure to follow the online Calendar and updates in the online Gazette for current information. Please remember that the printed Gazette is a static document – once it has been sent to the printers and mailed out, no changes/updates can be made to the paper copy. Our Chapter website is the place to visit to get truly current information. New activities are continually being added.

In our last Gazette, we asked for volunteers to help the Chapter Executive Board with some “indoor” needs. I am thrilled to report that Carol Baldwin has assumed the role of Local Hikes Committee Sub Chair, taking over from Herrick Spencer, who now plans to spend some well-deserved time in Florida. Carol is known to so many – she is an avid hiker, an enthusiastic advocate for the AMC, and an organized focused AMC member who is already enhancing the calendar of hiking activities for winter/spring. Thank you Carol, for moving into the Local Hikes Sub Chair position. The Chapter Executive Committee heartily welcomes you!

I want to take this opportunity to again thank our wonderful Executive Committee for their dedication, enthusiasm, commitment and great ideas. A special thanks to our Webmaster Mike Krabach for his constant work at keeping our chapter’s website current, interesting, and – as evidenced by the terrific holiday pictures on our home page- visually enticing!

Our Chapter’s Executive Committee welcomes members to attend our monthly Board Meetings. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, starting at 6 pm, at the office of Partridge Snow and Hahn at 180 South Main St in Providence. To insure there is a seat for you, please notify me if you plan to attend a meeting. I am best reached at or 401-374-2507.

Best Wishes for a fabulous 2012!
Bonnie England, Chair

Narragansett Chapter AMC
Leadership Roster

Chapter Chair-Bonnie England
Chapter Vice-Chair-Debbie Mitchell
Secretary-Matt Putnam
Treasurer-Tom Eagan
Membership Chair-Robin Kuznitz
Activities Chair-Chris Shafer
Communications Co-Chairs-Mark Dennen and Shannon Kelley
Conservation Chair-Linda Pease
Leadership Chair-Ed Poyer
Trails Chair-Elise Del Barone
Backpacking & Northern Hikes Subchair-Ed Poyer
Biking Subchair-Marcie Madsen
Local Hikes Subchair-Carol Baldwin
Technical Climbing Co-Subchairs- Peter Barlow and Brian Phillips
Flatwater Paddling Subchair-Linda Pease
Sea Kayaking Subchair-Michael Krabach
Skiing Subchair-Sue Rollins
Young Members Subchair-Scott Disnard
Family Outings Subchair-Debbie Mitchell
Webmaster/Photographer-Mike Krabach
Publicist-Shannon Kelley
Archivist-Volunteer needed.

2011 Annual Meeting Report

I am very pleased to report that our 2011 Annual Meeting, held at the beautiful Save the Bay facility again this year, was a highly successful event. Just under 100 people attended the event, at which many awards were given, many raffle prizes won, and much delicious food was enjoyed. Our featured speaker, Ruth “Sam” Jamke, gave a beautiful and inspiring presentation on Tramping in New Zealand. Thank you to Jennie Crooks and family for providing some fun raffle gifts. Thank you to our Annual Meeting Planning Committee: Debbie and Charlie Mitchell, Mike Krabach, Robin and Marvin Kuznitz, and Larry and Sue Rollins. Thank you to Rita Shafer of REI and Kevin Breunig, VP of Marketing and Communications at AMC in Boston for addressing our attendees.

It is always one of our Executive Committee’s most important and rewarding duties to choose the year’s major award winners. Our coveted Appie of the Year award for 2011 was given to Tom Eagan, current Chapter Treasurer and Past Chair. Former Appie of the Year Award Winner Ed Poyer presented the award, highlighting Tom’s enormous list of accomplishments and attributes. Congratulations, Tom Eagan.

Our second highest award, the John Clark Award, was presented to Mike Parker for his tremendous contributions to our chapter through his tireless, very much behind-the-scenes work on existing trails in RI, as well as his impressive work designing and developing the new, beautiful Maxwell Mays Trail in Coventry RI. Elise DelBarone presented the award to Mike, which was followed by a hearty round of applause. Congratulations, Mike Parker!

Sadly, our Chapter lost several wonderful members during 2011. The following members passed on, but they left us with great memories of them: Edward Barlow, Robert Accola, John Cranmer, Robert M. Thomas, Pat Sikora, and Robert (Bob) Cilette.

We had 19 twenty-five year member awards this year. Several were present to receive their 25-year pins. Those not able to be present at the meeting will receive their pins through the mail.

Our Chapter received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island for the extraordinary assistance given by our Chapter to the ASRI in developing the new Maxwell Mays property in Coventry RI. Chris Shafer, Activities Committee Chair, explained the award and the new trail design and development done by our Chapter Trails Committee members in collaboration with ASRI staff.

Our 2011 published Annual Report was reduced to a mere 17 pages this year. Hard copies are still available. If you wish to receive a hard copy, please contact Bonnie England at The Annual Report will also be made available on our website You will find our chapter’s many accomplishments in 2011, as well as the long lists of active volunteers receiving recognition for their volunteerism and stewardship. Again, a hearty thanks to one and all!

Soon, it will be time to start planning out Annual Spring Fling (in May) and our November 2012 Annual Meeting. If you would like to volunteer to help plan either of these important events, please contact Bonnie England at Thank you!
-- Bonnie England, Chair --

What is a Leader worth?

The Board recently asked itself this question and decided that the answer was, “a lot more”. Our Club depends on its volunteers and our leaders are a crucial part of that mix. Without our leaders we would have no programs. Without our programs we would have no members. Without our members we would have no club. In short, our leaders are worth a lot and we want to invest even more in them.

To that end, the Board has elected to offer an additional benefit our leaders. For the past few years the chapter has allowed its leaders to attend the annual Wilderness First Aid course at a near 50% discount. Effective in 2012, any leader who successfully completes April’s Wilderness First Aid course continues to receive the discounted rate of $60, but may also apply to have their registration fee returned to them in recognition of their contribution to our Chapter. To qualify simply complete the course, lead at least 3 activities before the end of 2012, and submit a request to your respective committee’s sub-chair (e.g. Local Hikes, Sea Kayaking, Cycling, etc…). They will send your request to the Chapter Treasurer who will write you a check.

The Board constantly looks for ways to recognize its members and this is just the latest way we are re-investing in the health and future of our chapter.
-- Matt Putnam --

Our new Web Site

The Meetup Site is proving popular with 153 people signed up as this issue goes to press. With this many "outdoor" people we need leaders to step up and lead some events. So far we have several "event coordinators" which are the AMC members who attach a meetup to their regular AMC trips. If you look at the profiles of the people signing up, you will see that many are beginners wanting to become acquainted with people who share their outdoor activities. While many of the events such as kayaking and biking will not be available until Spring, hiking is also a winter activity. At the last Meetup meeting that I attended at Rome Point, most of the people in the group were non-amc members and had signed up as Meetup members. Here is an opportunity for our chapter to acquaint people in Rhode Island who have not heard of, or considered the AMC, to meet our members and become familiar with the AMC.
-- Mike Krabach, webmaster --

Celebrate Earth Day April 21, 2012 – Working together for a greener plant.

Fun outdoor event in Narragansett organized by EPA to renew focus on education, sustainable practices in every day life, and respect for the environment. Interactive displays and informal workshops. All welcome. More info in next Gazette.

New Password

Starting February the password changes for access to several pages on our web site. This includes the chapter roster, list-server access and trip submittal authorized accounts. The new password is in the Feb-Mar-2012 printed Gazette. If you do not receive the Gazette by mail and need the password, contact the webmaster.

Save the Date!
Narragansett Annual Potluck Social
Friday, April 20, 2012 - 6:30pm–9:00pm

All are welcome to this ever-popular and fun Potluck Social for new, current and prospective members. It will be held on Friday, April 20, 2012 from 6:30pm – 9:00pm at the Cathedral of St. John Episcopal, 271 North Main Street, Providence, RI. You can bring any meal you like, a hearty appetizer or dessert to feed at least six is always great. You’ll have an opportunity to meet committee leaders and learn about many of the spring and summer activities that our chapter has to offer. Please e-mail your RSVP and/or questions by April 6 to Membership Chair Robin Kuznitz:

Slip and Slide

Slip and slide is good in skating and tobogganing but not when you are on icy New England trails. So a reminder to the beginners who are looking for options. Snowshoes are good on deep snow, but on most of our local hikes, you need traction on icy and packed trails. So don't make hiking leaders reprimand you for not being prepared for a hike. Various options available at various price points. Some super durable, some less so. Check out our "Snow Resources" on our front web page under 'Safety Notes' for a multitude of informed choices.

And of course don't forget that legal blaze orange is required while in State hunting areas during hunting season. Our Local Hikes page has information on when and where orange is required.

SOLO Basic Wilderness First Aid

Sat & Sun, April 14 & 15 : Red Cross first aid training is certainly helpful, but when you are in a backwoods situation, you need more. This course will provide the knowledge you will need to deal with medical emergencies when you are more than one hour from medical care. In addition to patient assessment, this course will teach you how to treat immediate life threats, disabling injuries, hypothermia and other environmental hazards, fractures, sprains and more. This is a two day course and will be taught at Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI. The course will once again be taught by the outstanding instructors from Stonehearth Outdoor Learning Opportunities (SOLO).

Pre-registration for volunteer leaders will begin January 15. Narragansett Chapter leaders will receive a special rate of $60. Registration for all others will begin on February 1, and will cost $115 for Narragansett Chapter members and $165 for all others. The fee covers all instruction and materials and does not include lodging or meals. For registration information, call Linda Pease (351-2234).

Our new Local Hikes SubChair, Carol Baldwin

Rhode Island has always been my home. I have three grown sons, four wonderful granddaughters; I spend as much time with them as possible.

My favorite activity is hiking, right now I'm hiking the North/ South Trail with AMC leader, Scott Disnard. Our group is hiking the 6 th. section of the trail on 1/15 and I believe we have one more section after that to complete the 78 mile hike. Last winter I attended the AMC Step by Step series, which Steve Harrison and Mike Martin organize each year. We were lucky to have lots of snow, used snowshoes and micro-spikes on each hike, but most importantly we learned how to safely hike in cold, windy, and snowy conditions, thanks guys.

Everyone is a volunteer with AMC, but I'm amazed just how much time and energy people give to make the AMC Narr. Chapter a success. I decided to accept the sub-chair position because I wanted to help out, do my part in keeping the club active. So, thanks AMC members for all the great activities, training, and conservation work that you provide.

Additionally, I cheer for the Soxs and Patriots and enjoy listening to one of Massachusetts favorite citizen/ artist Yo-Yo Ma.
See you on the trail.
-- Carol --


Wed., Feb. 1. Hike and Social, Warren. Meet at 6pm in front of 2nd Story Theater, 28 Market Street. Bring flashlights. L Gregg O'Brien ((401) 245-0677,

Fri., Feb. 3-5. Cross-Country Skiing Beginner/Intermediate Instructional Weekend. See Feb. 17-19 for reschedule.

Fri., Feb. 3-5. South & Middle Moat hikes. Stay at ski lodge in Conway . $100 includes 2 nights lodging , 2 breakfast and 1 dinner . Hike is 5.8 mile round trip with 2300 ft elev gain with much exposure and great views . Full winter gear required . L Steve Harrison, CL Mike Martin , reg/w Steve Harrison ((401) 270-3363 5-8 PM,

Sat., Feb. 4. Great Swamp hike. Meet at 9:00AM for an easy 5 1/2 miles. Ideal for new members. Many holly trees, possible wild life. Legal orange required, may need feet traction. Possible social to follow. Rain or snow wil cancel. L Maria Earley ((401) 789-8331 7:00PM - 9:00PM,, CL Matt Putnam

Sat., Feb. 4. Winter Walk on Neutaconkanut Hill. Start 10:00 am to walk the forest trails of the hill created in the 1930's by the WPA. Read more...

Sat., Feb. 4. Tillinghast Pond newly extended trail system. Tillinghast Pond property acquired by Nature Consevancy in 2010, large pond is beautiful. Tim Mooney, area Mgr/naturalist provides comments on history, old farms ruins, forests, wildlife and habitat . The trails extended with help from AMC. This property is unique, it borders both RI and CT. Hike about 5 miles. L Jack Schempp ((401) 331-4553 6-9pm,

Sun., Feb. 5. Hike the J.B. Hudson Trail. (new) Since the J.B. Hudson Trail is only 3 1/2 miles long, I will be adding to it, for a hike of 6-7 miles. I plan to visit a cemetery, from the early 1800's. There will be rock hopping along with Streams and a Pond. Please bring Hiking Shoes, Snacks/Lite Lunch, Drink, Traction Devices if needed and Poles if you use them. 11 am start. L Dave Natale, reg/w Dave Natale ((401) 739-9606 anytime,

Tue., Feb. 7. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge hike. Caratunk is a 196 acre bird sanctuary with scenic ponds and streams. Location is near the Pawtucket city line in Seekonk MA., though this refuge is owned by the reg/w.I. Audubon. Traction required if there is snow. Start time 10 a.m. L Margie Parsons ((401) 247-7760,, CL Marcie Madsen (

Wed., Feb. 8. Hike and Social, Wakefield. Meet at 6pm at the Municipal Parking lot behind Fat Belly's at 333 Main Street. Bring flashlights. L Dick Sullivan ((401) 338-2880)

Fri., Feb. 10-12. Ski X-C, Alpine. Best Snow in Whites. Ski X-C or Alpine in the White Mts, Consistently Best Snow, Stay a upscale Highland Center, 2 nights, fine dining, 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, HH., snow shoe equip. no charge, apres', ski at famous Mt Washington Hotel, for active intermediate skiers. L Jack Schempp ((401) 331-4553 7-9 pm,

Fri., Feb. 10-12. Mt. Eisenhower Day Hiking Weekend. Join us for a weekend of winter hiking, camaraderie, beautiful views and vigorous exercise. We will attempt to summit Mount Eisenhower via the Crawford path. This NH 4000 footer offers long views and a challenging above tree line experience. Full winter gear, prior winter hiking experience and good physical conditioning are required. Cost of trip is $125 for lodging and communal meals (2 breakfasts +1 dinner). L Ed Poyer ((401) 783-6623,, CL Bernardo Aumond, reg/w Bernardo Aumond (

Sat., Feb. 11. North South Trail - Segment 7 - Richmond Elementary to Meadow Brook Pond. (new) Meet at 9:30AM at Meadow Brook Pond Fishing area on Route 91 to spot cars, then drive to Richmond Elementary and hike the NST southbound. For those of you who aren't familiar, the North South Trail is a 78 mile long trail from northern RI to the Atlantic Ocean in Charlestown. This section will cover about 10 miles. All participants must wear 200 square inches of solid daylight fluorescent orange clothing! L Scott Disnard (

Sun., Feb. 12. Walkabout Trail. The Walkabout Trail in George Washington Management Area in Glocester, reg/w.I. was cut by Australian sailors in 1965.We will hike the six mile section of the loop. The area is mostly flat, however it can be wet and muddy. Wear boots and bring water and snack. If it snows we'll get to try out those new snowshoes! Start time is 10 a.m. reg/w L Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,, CL David Natale

Sun., Feb. 12. Hike with dogs. Dog hike, place to be determined. Wear orange, doggie too. Call leader for more info and registration. L Bonnie England ((401) 789 6431,, CL Judy Van Wyk

Tue., Feb. 14. Pachaug/Tippecansett/Ben Utter Trails Hike. 8 miles on various trails in Arcadia. May be icy or if lucky snowy. 9:30 start for a carspot and a long day. 500 legal orange needed. Lunch, snacks, water, etc. Rain/bad weather day Wed 2/15. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,, L Margie Parsons ((401) 743-3405,

Wed., Feb. 15. Hike and Social, Narragansett. Meet at 6pm at the Narragansett Towers. Bring flashlights. L Sue Boland ((401) 556-3926)

Wed., Feb. 15. Bike Planning Meeting. Hard to believe it's time to plan bike rides for the upcoming riding season!We'll be meeting at the Cranston Public Library on Sockanosset Cross Road. Because we have a small room reserved, space is limited so please let me know if you plan on attending. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Meet time is 6:00 pm. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,

Fri., Feb. 17-19. Cross-Country Skiing Beginner/Intermediate Instructional Weekend. (rescheduled) Note: This is the Feb. 3-5 trip rescheduled due to lack of snow. $150 fee includes Fri & Sat lodging at Sargent Center, 3 Sat meals and 2 Sun meals, happy hour, and ski instruction in small groups. Estimated $30 additional cost for Sat. & Sun. skiing at Windblown ski touring center . Ski rentals available at Windblown. Send $150 fee payable to Chris Shafer. Trip already partially filled so limited remaining spaces available; check with registrar first before sending payment. L Chris Shafer, reg/w Chris Shafer (PO Box 103, Wakefield, RI 02880, (401) 789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,

Sat., Feb. 18. Step by Step Mt Roberts hike. Lakes Region of N.H. Prior step by step required . Approx. 5 mi with great views . Early carpool from reg/w.I. with probable eat out after . L Steve Harrison ((401) 270-3363,, CL Mike Martin, reg/w Mike Martin ((401) 437-0957 7-9 PM,

Sat., Feb. 18. Tillinghast Pond Hike. (new) This hike is 5 - 6 miles at a moderate pace. Tillinghast Pond in West Greenwich has many good hiking features.We will meet at 10 a.m. sharp in the parking lot on Plain Rd., which is off Plain Meeting House Rd. Take Rte. 102 to Plain Meeting House Rd. Dick Sullivan (L) 401-338-2880. Please call only if you need further directions. L Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,

Sat., Feb. 18. Hiking with Dogs. (canceled) Hike with dogs at Browning in South Kingstown. Easy terrain and a short 3 miles for a cool brisk romp in the woods with the dogs. Register with Judy. L Judy Van Wyk (, CL Bonnie England (

Sat., Feb. 18. Bats in trouble, other wildlife issues. Bats -- some people think that they are spooky, but our speaker, Charlie Brown, RI DEM Wildlife biologist insists that they are heroes - their declining population could be a US disaster, He will explain the mystery. He may also comment on other notable species--deer, coyotes, Canadian geese, beaver. Charlie is very friendly and interesting speaker. At North Kingstown Library, 10:30 am. L Jack Schempp ((401) 331-4553 7-9 pm,

Sun., Feb. 19. Hike Camp Yawgoog. (new) Join me as we Explore the various Trails at Camp Yawgoog. I also plan to check-out a few places, that I have not gotten too. I wonder if the Bad Lands, are really that Bad. Is there really a Ghost Pond ?? Is the Keyhole, as cool as it sounds ?? Plus a few more. You must be comfortable with Hiking on Rocks. I also expect the Trail to be wet & soggy in certain places. You have been Warned. As a Bonus, if anyone would like to try and read a map, I will let you take a crack at it. Please bring Hiking Shoes, Snacks / Lite Lunch ( you will love the lunch stop ), Drinks, & Poles if you use them. If we get snow, please bring Traction Devices, for your Hiking Shoes. There is no Hunting in the Camp, but please wear some Orange, anyways. Plan to Hike 3 hrs. 11 am start. L Dave Natale ((401) 739-9606,

Tue., Feb. 21. Blue Hills Skyline Trail Hike. 5 to 7 mile hike depending on start location. Lots of ups and downs. Carpool from RI. May need traction devices. Rain/bad weather day Wed. 2/22. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,, L Margie Parsons ((401) 743-3405,

Wed., Feb. 22. Hike and Social, Newport. Meet 6pm at CVS on Bellevue Avenue. Bring flashlights. L Sid Wax ((401) 849-2595,

Fri., Feb. 24-26. Franconia Ridge Traverse. Challenging, rewarding hike with spectacular views along the ridge from Lafayette to Lincoln. Exposed hiking above-treeline for well-conditioned, experienced winter hikers. 10 miles with 4000' elevation gain, all-day hike. Sunday, L's choice. For well-conditioned, experienced winter hikers. Approximately $120 includes two nights lodging, one dinner, and two breakfasts. L Charlie Killam ((508) 252-4349,, CL Scott Sprague, reg/w Scott Sprague (

Sat., Feb. 25-26. Ice Climbing at Smuggler's Notch, VT. Designed for experienced rock/ice climbers who have attended rock courses, or who have equivalent experience. Must have (or rent) own gear. Cost share lodging. L Peter Barlow ((860) 675-3772,, reg/w Peter Barlow

Sun., Feb. 26. Parker Woodland hike, Coventry. This trail is 4 miles long and owned by the Audubon Society of reg/w.I. We'll view the many "mysterious" stone cairns located there. So plan on 2 1/2 to 3 hours of hiking. Wear sturdy boots and bring water and snacks. Rain cancels. Start time 10 a.m. L Dave Natale ((401) 739-9606,, CL Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,

Wed., Feb. 29. Hike and Social, Rumford. Meet 6pm at Kimberly Ann Rock recreation complex on Ferris Ave. Bring flashlights. L Steve Harrington ((401) 434-3409,

Wed., Feb. 29. Long Pond/Ell Pond hike. Visit three ponds on this scenic hike of approx. 4 hours. Optional extension on Narragansett Trail to a 4th. pond. Strenuous ups and downs at times. Traction required if there is snow. Start time 10 a.m. L Margie Parsons ((401) 247-7760,, CL Marcie Madsen (

Fri., Mar. 2-4. Wildcat A hike. Stay at ski lodge in Conway. $100 includes 2 nights lodging , 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner . Hike is 8.6 mile round trip with approx 3000 ft elev gain . Experienced winter hikers with full gear . L Steve Harrison, CL Mike Martin , reg/w Steve Harrison ((401) 270-3363 5-8 PM,

Sat., Mar. 3. Wolf Hill hike. (canceled) Hike the WWll Trail to the memorial site. We will continue on to Mercier Lookout for a view of Providence and the Bay. This is a 3 to 3 1/2 hour hike. Wear sturdy boots and bring water and snack. Rain cancels. L Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,, L Corey Mott

Sun., Mar. 4. Family hike Cumberland monastery. (new) Come join us for a Sunday afternoon hike at historic Cumberland monastery. We will hike to high point with views of Providence, through historic section and visit Nine Men's Misery. L Debbie Mitchell ((401) 743-4192,

Tue., Mar. 6. Francis Carter Memorial Preserve Hike. (new) 6 mile hike in this beautiful Nature Conservancy Preserve in Charlestown. Easy walking on woodland trails some small ups and downs. Late breakfast/lunch after in a quaint diner down the road. 10am start. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,

Wed., Mar. 7. Hike and Social, Providence. (revised) Meet at 6pm at the Gazebo on South Water Street. Rain cancels. Bring flashlights. L Janet Harris((401) 272-6772)

Fri., Mar. 9-11. Mt. Madison Day Hiking Weekend. Join us on a favorite alpine summit. For those with some above treeline winter experience. Excellent follow up to Mt. Eisenhower hike. Full winter gear required. Sunday's hike is leaders' choice. $125 for 2 nights' motel, 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. L Ed Poyer ((401) 783-6623,, CL Mike McGuigan , reg/w Mike McGuigan (

Sat., Mar. 10. Blue Hills Hike. (new) Sponsored by Young Members. Come join us for a scenic RT hike covering over two of the highest and scenic hills in the Blue Hills reservation. Proper footwear and clothing required, poor weather will cancel. L Chris Turgeòn (

Sun., Mar. 11. Breakheart Trail hike. (canceled) This trail is in the Arcadia Management Area in Exeter and West Greenwich. We will hike the 6 1/2 mile trail through pine and beech groves. Wear study boots and bring water and snack. Rain cancels. Start time is 10 a.m. L Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,, CL Dave Natale ((401) 739-9609,

Sun., Mar. 11. AMC Hike with Dogs. (new) 5 mile moderate hike in two adjacent managed areas. L Bonnie England (, CL Paul Wynn , CL Judy Van Wyk

Wed., Mar. 14. Hike and St. Pat's Social, Wakefield. Meet 6pm at the Post Office Parking Lot. Bring flashlights and wear green! L Aram Deradoorian ((401) 789-7811), CL Sid Wax ((401) 849-2595,

Wed., Mar. 14. Parker Woodland Hike. 7 mile hike in this beautiful Audubon Society refuge. 10 am start. Snacks, water. Lunch after. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,

Sat., Mar. 17. Burlingame State Park Hike. Eight-mile intermediate hike at a moderate pace. This is a warm up for Spring. Vin Gormley trail loop. Boots required, may need stabilicers, lunch, and water. Rain or snow cancels the hike. L Maria Earley ((401) 789-8331 7:00pm -9:00pm,

Sun., Mar. 18. Narragansett Trail Hike. (new) Hike the Narragansett Trail. Must be comfortable Hiking on Rocks. Attractions include, Waterfalls, Ponds, and the trip thru the Gouge, is amazing. I made a couple of changes, from when we hiked in the Fall. Bring Hiking Shoes, (NO SNEAKERS), Snacks/Lite Lunch, Drink, & Poles, if you use them. 6 miles or more. 3-4 hrs. 10:30 am start. L Dave Natale 739-9606 L Dave Natale ((401) 739-9606 anytime,

Tue., Mar. 20. Spring Equinox Arcadia Trail hike. (new) First day of Spring hike. 7 mile moderate hike in Arcadia Management Area. We'll go the opposite direction from January's hike. Who knows, we may need traction devices, or dare we hope snowshoes! Good waterproof boots essential. 9:30 start for a long day and short carspot. L Marcie Madsen ((401) 364-6538,

Wed., Mar. 21. Hike and Social, Wickford, RI. (revised) Meet at 6pm at the Municipal Parking lot behind the Rite Aid in the center of Wickford. L Dick Sullivan ((401)338-2880)

Sun., Mar. 25. Dave's own Glacier Lake Hike. I combined several trails to create this hike. It features various terrain with some rocks to hop and scramble upon along with some wilderness bridges to cross. In addition to the two Glacier Lakes, there are also several other interesting sites to see. Plan to spend 3-4 hours hiking and exploring. Located in the southwestern part of reg/w.I. Start time is 10 a.m. L Dave Natale ((401) 739-9606,

Wed., Mar. 28. Hike and Social, Narragansett. Meet at 6pm at the Towers. It's Narragansett Restaurant Week. Bring flashlights. L Sue Boland ((401) 556-3926)


Tue., Apr. 10. Local Hikes Meeting. (new) The local hikes meeting will be held April 10th., 6pm at the Cranston Public Library. All hike leaders and members interested in becoming leaders please attend. Contact Carol for info. L Carol Baldwin ((401) 300-9263,

Sat., Apr. 14. and Apr. 21. Beginner Rock Climbing Course. Course consists of two progressive classes of instruction and is intended for beginning climbers and gym climbers who want to make the transition to the outdoors. Classes are held at nearby CT crags. Course participants must be 18-years old or 15-years old if accompanied by a parent/guardian. Fee for 3-day course: AMC Member $60, Nonmember $100. College Student Discount, AMC Member $40, Non Member $80. Register early as these classes fill quickly. L Peter Barlow ((860) 675-3772 after 6:00 pm,, CL Brian Phillips ((401) 783-0133,

Sat., Apr. 14-15. Wilderness First Aid. Red Cross first aid training is certainly helpful, but when you are in a backwoods situation, you need more. This course will provide the knowledge you will need to deal with medical emergencies when you are more than one hour from medical care. In addition to patient assessment, this course will teach you how to treat immediate life threats, disabling injuries, hypothermia and other environmental hazards, fractures, sprains and more. This is a two day course and will be taught at Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI. The course will once again be taught by the outstanding instructors from Stonehearth Outdoor Learning Opportunities (SOLO). Pre-registration for volunteer leaders will begin January 15. Narragansett Chapter leaders will receive a special rate of $60. Registration for all others will begin on February 1, and will cost $115 for Narragansett Chapter members and $165 for all others. The fee covers all instruction and materials and does not include lodging or meals. L Charlie Killam , reg/w Charlie Killam ((508) 252-4349,, CL Linda Pease ((401) 351-2234,

Sat., Apr. 14. Help Save Blackstone Park. (new) Trails & Conservation need help: erect fence, repair trails, fun work, w/new friends, start 9am 2-4 hrs, bring gloves, tools provided. L Chris Shafer, CL Jack Schempp. L Jack Schempp ((401) 331-4553,, R Chris Shafer (PO Box 103 Wakefield RI, Wakefield, RI, (401) 222-2797 day)

Fri., Apr. 20. Chapter Annual Potluck Social. (new) All are welcome to this ever-popular and fun Potluck Social for new, current and prospective members. It will be held on Friday, from 6:30pm - 9:00pm at the Cathedral of St. John Episcopal, 271 North Main Street, Providence, RI. You can bring any meal you like, a hearty appetizer or dessert to feed at least six is always great. You'll have an opportunity to meet committee leaders and learn about many of the spring and summer activities that our chapter has to offer. Please e-mail your RSVP and/or questions by April 6. L Robin Kuznitz (

Fri., Apr. 27-29. Young Members Camping Weekend. (new) Come join us for a weekend of primitive camping along the Midstate trail, just over the border in MA. Learn about camping gear, and go on daily hikes of up to 15 miles. Boots, tent, camping gear, and 30-degree bag recommended. Very bad weather cancels. We have some gear to lend. This is a new location this year, with a lean to and tent spaces too! L Scott Disnard (

Sat., April 28 and May. 5. Intermediate Rock Climbing Course. Course consists of two progressive classes of instruction and is intended for intermediate climbers or those who took the beginner class. Classes are held at nearby CT crags. Course participants must be 18-years old or 15-years old if accompanied by a parent/guardian. Fee for 3-day course: AMC Member $60, Nonmember $100. College Student Discount, AMC Member $40, Non Member $80. Register early as these classes fill quickly. L Peter Barlow ((860) 675-3772 after 6:00 pm,, CL Brian Phillips ((401) 783-0133,

Sat., Apr. 28. Arbor Day plant trees, Veterans Mem Cemetary, Exeter. There is nothing like planting a tree. AMC joins with several others and RI Tree Council to plant 100 trees. No heavy lifting, holes are dug with back hoes. No experience necessary. Training by professionals. Fun work.Takes 2 hrs. L Dick Sullivan ((401) 338-2880 6-9pm), reg/w Jack Schempp ((401) 331-4553 6-9pm,