Narragansett Chapter Major Awards, Leader and Stewardship Award Winners 2010
Photos and Article - Shannon Kelly

Narragansett Chapter AMC gives highest award to Denise Poyer

The Narragansett Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club presented the “Appie” award to Denise Poyer of Richmond. The Chapter’s highest honor, this award is given annually to a member who best exemplifies the club’s mission, reinforces club ethics and provides inspiration for others.

In presenting the award, her husband Ed (himself an accomplished leader and 1999 Appie winner) told the crowd that Denise has been an AMC member since the 1990’s. Her leadership started with local hikes and spread to more challenging northern hikes. She has lead or co-lead over 65 trips. This is impressive even without taking into account the time needed for planning ahead. Denise has been a very effective northern hikes leader, producing workshops on leadership, winter hiking skills, backpacking skills and map/compass skills.

In 2005 Denise began instructing at Mountain Leadership School, which Ed described as ‘leadership training on steroids’. Denise is also a paddling instructor certified by the American Canoe Association. She leads annual source-to-sea paddles which span the length of the Pawcatuck river over several trips. Denise leads events for the family trips committee and serves on the trails committee as well. She is a former board member of the New England Environmental Alliance and volunteer chair for the Richmond Land Trust. Currently she is a teacher of environmental education and program director for the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association.

As he ended his speech and announced her name, Ed called her “my hero”. The chapter is proud to call Denise one of our own and looks forward to all of her future contributions.

Debbie Mitchell Receives Chapter John Clark Award

Debbie Mitchell of Cumberland (pictured above, right) received the Appalachian Mountain Club’s John Clark award, given by the Narragansett Chapter at its recent annual dinner. This award is given in fond memory of a respected member now deceased. Recipients are chosen for their dedication and hard work behind the scenes - these are the unsung heroes.

In presenting the award, incoming Chair Bonnie England listed the numerous duties Debbie has taken on in her role as Chapter Treasurer. In addition to the expected bookkeeping she has taken on several more cumbersome and demanding administrative duties. Overseeing the registration for the Chapter’s Spring Fling and Annual Meeting, the two largest gatherings of the year, involves extensive organization and planning of many different activities. These events have been executed smoothly thanks to debbie’s efforts.

Debbie is also the main contact between the Chapter and Club headquarters in Boston. She is co-chair of the family outing committee and has lead many of their trips.

The Chapter is grateful for Debbie’s quiet and dedicated service. We are proud the she has now advanced to Vice-Chair and look forward to her future contributions.

Tom Eagan receives an award as outgoing Chair and all his other services to the Chapter.

At the recent Annual Dinner, Incoming Chair Bonnie England made a special point of thanking Outgoing Chair Tom Eagan for his many years of service. Among Tom’s many contributions to the Chapter, he proceeded up the ladder from Treasurer to Vice Chair to Chair. He revived the Family Outings Committee and led many of their trips this year to great success. Tom has always supported the Board with kindness and wisdom. He has never been afraid to get his hands dirty, evidenced by an afternoon of planting trees in the rain this past spring. He spearheaded Vision 2020 to make sure the Chapter will continue to grow and develop in a productive direction.

The Chapter is thankful for Tom’s dedicated service. We are excited to see him get back in line for another thrill ride as he resumes the office of Treasurer for 2011.