Web Site Statistics for www.amcnarragansett.org

(Statistics from awstats)
An analysis of the month of December, 2016
Monthly Snapshots

Visits duration is the time spent viewing a single page, not the sum total a visitor spends on the whole Chapter site.

The following show the top URLs accessed during this month on our web site. These show how often various pages are being looked at. Below is a limited snapshot of the pages viewed. The full monthly listing is here. Note: The full monthly listing is a normal web page, meaning you can click on any of the data links and go to the referenced page. So if you do not recognize a page url, click on it and you can view the page. Note: "/featured_events.html" will register each time the front page is visited or refreshed.

The following statistics show who is linking to our site during this month from another site, as in a link. (Note: Removed Russian htaccess.)

Rev. January 12, 2017