The Gansett Gazette
April-May 2013
Narragansett Chapter AMC Leadership Roster
Chapter Chair-Debbie Mitchell
Chapter Vice-Chair-Bob Tessitore
Secretary-Matt Putnam
Treasurer-Tom Eagan
Membership Chair-Robin Kuznitz
Activities Chair-Chris Shafer
Communications Chair-Mike Krabach
Conservation Chair-Linda Pease
Leadership Chair-Ed Poyer
Trails Chair-Dav Cranmer
Backpacking & Northern Hikes Subchair-Ed Poyer
Biking Subchair-Marcie Madsen
Local Hikes Co-Subchairs-Mary Ann Topp and Christine Galvin
Technical Climbing Co-Subchairs-
Peter Barlow and Brian Phillips
Flatwater Paddling Subchair-Linda Pease
Sea Kayaking Subchair-Michael Krabach
Skiing Subchair-Sue Rollins
Young Members Subchair-Scott Disnard
Family Outings Subchair-Debbie Mitchell
Webmaster/Photographer-Mike Krabach
Publicist-Shannon Kelley
Archivist-Volunteer needed.
New Local Hike Co-Subchairs
The Narragansett Chapter Executive Committee is pleased to tell you that the Chapter local hikes subchair position has been filled by Mary Ann Topp and Christine Galvin. Christine, as administrative co-chair, will oversee the listing of trips into the web and gazette. Mary Anne, as external co-chair, will handle such tasks as organizing and overseeing the local hike meetings, representing the committee at activities and events.
Leader and Prospective Leader Training
As leaders in the AMC , standards of excellence and knowledge are always strived for. This Spring we are offering two training and leadership programs. We encourage our leaders and members who may want to become leaders, to consider attending either or both of these events.
On April 13-14 our Wilderness First Aid (SOLO) two day course is being offered. This course will provide the knowledge you will need to deal with medical emergencies when you are more than one hour from medical care. See the trip listings for full information on registering. View this photo album for photos and videos of last years training.
On April 27 our Leadership Training Workshop is being offered. This workshop will help you develop and practice important skills needed to successfully lead safe and enjoyable chapter activities. See the trip listings for full information on registering.
Annual Spring Fling & New Member Social
Join us for a day filled with fun activities, workshops and food at the beautiful Goddard Park Carousel. This event is open to all current, new and prospective new members. See registration form for info.
Tue., Apr. 2. Carter Preserve, Charlestown Hike. 6 mile easy hike on woodland trails in Nature Conservancy's 2nd largest nature preserve in RI. Bring water, snacks. Late breakfast at local diner after. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Wed., Apr. 3. Hike and Social, Goddard Park. 2-3 mile hike & we go to dinner. Get off the couch and join us. 6 pm start from beach parking lot. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Sat., Apr. 6. Mountain Biking in Arcadia Management Area. Young Members Sponsored. Beginners pace ride of up to 10 miles on Fire Roads and Trails. Meeting at the White Church on Route 165 @ Frosty Hollow Road at 10 AM ready to ride. Helmet required. L Scott Disnard , reg/w Scott Disnard (401-228-5614,
Sat., Apr. 6. Shore Walk: Will it be there next year--Naturalist. Hurricanes and heavy storms are reshaping our shores, crushing buildings, flooding low lands. Our naturalist is a coastal geologist who has been studying the effect of storms, on sand dunes, migrating sand bars, and wave erosion on structures that will endure mighty waves. L Jack Schempp (401-331-4553 7-9,, CL Linda Pease (401-351-2234 7-9)
Sat., Apr. 6. Blackstone Park Trail Improvement. Assist chapter members and Friends of Blackstone Park in installing waterbars, lining the trails, or spreading mulch (participant can choose the task of his/her choice). No previous trail experience required. Meet 9 AM. Bring water and lunch and wear appropriate footwear with a good tread. Rain date Sunday April 7 at same meeting time. L Christopher Shafer, reg/w Christopher Shafer (401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,
Sun., Apr. 7. Worden's Pond Paddle. (canceled) Come enjoy a paddle on Worden's Pond and the Pawcatuck River. Weather determines the amount of time spent on the pond. We will get out to stop for lunch on the Pawcatuck River. We will meet at the Worden's Pond Boat Ramp on Worden's Pond Rd. PDF is required. Bring lunch, water, and snacks. L Corey Mott, CL Chris Turgeon (, reg/w Corey Mott (
Wed., Apr. 10. Hike and Social, Wickford. 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at the municipal lot behind Rite Aid. 6 pm. L Richard Sullivan (401-338-2880,
Sat., Apr. 13-14. Wilderness First Aid. Red Cross first aid training is certainly helpful, but when you are in a backwoods situation, you need more. This course will provide the knowledge you will need to deal with medical emergencies when you are more than one hour from medical care. In addition to patient assessment, this course will teach you how to treat immediate life threats, disabling injuries, hypothermia and other environmental hazards, fractures, sprains and more. This is a two day course and will be taught at Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI. The course will once again be taught by the outstanding instructors from Stonehearth Outdoor Learning Opportunities (SOLO). Registration for volunteer leaders will begin January 15. Narragansett Chapter leaders will receive a special rate of $60. Registration for all others will begin on February 1, and will cost $115 for Narragansett Chapter members and $165 for all others. The fee covers all instruction and materials and does not include lodging or meals. For registration information, call Linda Pease (351-2234). L Charlie Killam (, reg/w Linda Pease (401-351-2234,
Sat., Apr. 13. Hike with Dogs. Hike/Walk the J B Hudson trail. L Bonnie England, CL Leslie Kelleter , CL Judy Van Wyk , reg/w Bonnie England (
Sat., Apr. 13. Blackstone Bike Path ride. About 25 mile loop ride on Blackstone Bike Path. Moderate pace. Bring water and snacks. Helmets req'd. 10:30 SHARP start. L Scott Disnard (, CL Steve Harrington (401-434-3409)
Sat., Apr. 13. Beginner Rock Climbing Course April 13, 20. Course consists of two progressive classes of instruction and is intended for beginning climbers and gym climbers who want to make the transition to the outdoors. Classes are held at nearby CT crags. Course participants must be 18-years old or 15-years old if accompanied by a parent/guardian. Fee for 2-day course: AMC Member $60, Nonmember $100. College Student Discount, AMC Member $40, Non Member $80. Register early as these classes fill quickly. L Brian Phillips (401-212-7705,, CL Peter Barlow (
Tue., Apr. 16. Green Falls Pond Hike. 7 mile hike starting in Yawgoog, circle around the pond in Pachaug State Forest through a really cool gorge and back. Moderate to strenuous sections. Bring water, snacks lunch and STURDY boots. 9:30 sharp start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., Apr. 17. Hike and Social, Providence. 2 1/2 - 3 mile hike and we go to dinner. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at 6 pm at the Gazebo on South Water Street. L Janet Harris (401-272-6722,, CL Sid Wax (
Sat., Apr. 20. Rome Point Seals Hike and social. Young Members Sponsored. (rescheduled from 14th.) Come see the harbor seals, and social after! L Scott Disnard (, reg/w Scott Disnard (
Sat., Apr. 20. W. Greenwich/Exeter/Richmond ride. 30 mile ride through Arcadia, 13 mph ave. pace, rolling hills. Lunch stop at watershed. 10:00 start. Woods and scenic villages alternate with rolling main roads. Helmets req'd. L Carol Richards (401-434-8448 after 5:30,, CL Ted Bell, reg/w Ted Bell (401-450-4282 after 4:00,
Sat., Apr. 20. Earth Day Festival & Discovery Day. (canceled) From 10am until 2 pm at the EPA laboratory facility, 27 Tarzwell Drive in Narragansett, RI (on URI Bay Campus). Under the theme 'Earth Day 2013: Preserving Rhode Island's Environmental Heritage', the festival is designed to engage citizens of all ages and backgrounds in local community efforts that promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices as well as inform them about ongoing environmental research at AED. The festival will consist of diverse interactive displays and informal workshops led by AED scientists, Rhode Island DEM, The Nature Conservancy, URI Cooperative Extension, Farm Fresh RI, The Narragansett Bay Estuarine Research Reserve, The Appalachian Mountain Club, and others. Special activities for children will include a marine touch tank, tree-planting, environmental trivia, and environmental crafts. See inverted windmills that provide power to the lab, visit their rooftop garden overlooking the bay. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, CL Karen Rudio (508-397-2316,
Sat., Apr. 20. Burlingame State Park Hike. Meet at 9:00 for approximate 10 miles hike. We will do sections of Kettle Pond, North/South Trail and Vin Gormley Trail. Lunch, water, sturdy boots, and dress accordingly. Rain will cancel the hike. L Maria Earley (401-789-8331, 7– 9pm,
Sat., Apr. 20. Earth Day Planting Project. (new) (Non-AMC Family Event) Neutaconkanut Hill 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Rain date: Sunday, April 21) Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy ( will continue its planting of Pines on the Hill. Meet at Neutaconkanut Park, Providence. Entrance: at the end of Legion Memorial Drive (off Sunset Ave.) Come to the Yellow Gate at end of road. Projects include pine tree planting, & if time allows, General Trail Spring Cleanup. Wear work clothes - we provide gloves, tools, water & snacks. Questions? Call 401-946-6594 or e-mail Join the Party! After the tree planting, all are invited to Roger Williams Park for a cookout for volunteers from parks across the city - 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Sun., Apr. 21. Narragansett Trail Hike Section 2. Sponsored by Young Members. (rescheduled from Sat.) Hike the last 13 miles of Narragansett Trail from the ravine to Lantern Hill. Meeting at Lantern Hill to shuttle. Starting where we left off, we will hike from the ravine over to Wassup Lake. Then head over to Lantern Hill for some scenic views. Hiking shoes required. Bring lunch, snacks, and water. L Corey Mott, CL Tim Bannin (, reg/w Corey Mott (
Sun., Apr. 21. Parker Woodland Hike-Coventry. (new) 7 mile hike in this beautiful Audubon Society refuge. A little bit of everything, rock ledges, scenic flowing streams, mysterious cairns, a quarry site, cellar holes and more. Bring water, snacks, lunch and sturdy boots. 9:30 a.m. start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Wed., Apr. 24. Hike/social Narragansett. Meet at the courtyard by the Narragansett Towers by the Coast Guard House. 2-3 mile hike and we go to dinner. Get off the couch and join us. L Susan Boland (401-556-3936,
Wed., Apr. 24. Pachaug Trail/Mt. Misery Hike. First hike 6 mile Pachaug Trail into CT then drive to Mt. Misery trailhead for 3+ mile hike up Mt. Misery in Pachaug State Forest. Long day w/ car spots. Sturdy boots, please. Bring water, snacks, lunch. 9:30 sharp start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., Apr. 24. Hurricane Warnings Expected, Be Prepared. (new) Hurricane Warnings Expected! Be Prepared! A Forum, Protect your family and your home. Sponsored by the Green Committee, Central Congregational Church, 296 Angell Street, Providence, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (N0AA), Providence Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), and National Grid. No charge, invite a friend. Program: 5:30 PM Light Buffet. 6:00 PM David Vallee Hurricane activity NOAA. 7:00 PM Felicia Polanski Preparedness FEMA. 7:45 PM Marisa Albanese power outages, safety, facilitating repairs. 8:00 PM Question and answer session. L Jack Schempp (401-311-4553,, reg/w Central Church (269 Angell St, Providence, RI, 401-331-0960 10am-4pm)
Sat., Apr. 27. Leadership Training Workshop. Join us for a one day workshop to develop and practice important skills needed to successfully lead safe and enjoyable chapter activities. Sessions will include Activity Design and Planning, Screening Participants, Leadership Styles, Decision Making, Trailhead Procedures, Managing Your Group, and Accident Scene Management. The skills presented will apply to all chapter activities, and will benefit anyone planning to lead a one day activity, a weekend trip, or maybe something more ambitious. We will split into small groups to make the day highly interactive, giving you the opportunity to benefit directly from the experiences and knowledge of the experienced chapter leaders who will be leading these sessions. Whether you are an experienced leader looking to make your trips run more smoothly, or are interested in becoming a leader, this workshop will give you the skills and confidence you need to lead a chapter activity. The workshop will take place in Chepatchet, RI. Cost for chapter members is $25 ($35 non-members), and includes refreshments and materials. Fee is refundable if member leads three trips over the year. L Ed Poyer (401-783-6623,, reg/w Bob Tessitore (401-595-5273,
Sun., Apr. 28. Hike with dogs. Hike/Walk at Great Swamp with dogs. L Judy Van Wyk (, CL Bonnie England , CL Paul Wynn , reg/w Bonnie England (
Tue., Apr. 30. Blue Hills Skyline Trail Hike. 7+mile hike on Skyline Trail. Tough hike w/lots of ups and downs. Sturdy boots, water snacks, lunch. Early departure from RI. Call for meet time and location. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., May. 1. Hike/social, Newport. 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at Newport Beach, in the lot on the right. We may walk on the Cliff Walk or take an alternate scenic route. Leave at 6 pm. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Thu., May. 2. Mid-week South County Ride. 25-30 mile ride depending on participants. Moderate paced ride on rolling country roads or by the shore in S. Kingstown/Charlestown. 10am start. Helmets req'd. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Sat., May. 4. Bear Mtn & Sages Ravine. Hike a section of the Appalachian Trail over CT's highest summit and into beautiful Sages Ravine. Approx 8.5mi/1800ft at a very moderate pace. Route may be adjusted to suit conditions and the group. 3 state views and scenery make this hike feel like Vermont. Early carpool from RI with a late return. Possible dine out afterwards. L John Stevens , L Linda Pease (401-351-2234 7-9pm weeknights,, CL Corey Mott (401-932-4439,, reg/w John Stevens (401-487-2629 7-9pm weeknights,
Sat., May. 4. Warwick Shores Bike Ride. Easy intermediate 30-35 mile ride along Warwick Shores. Lots of water views, lunch at the Narragansett Parkway. Bring water, snacks, lunch. Helmets required. Please no emails after Thursdays @1pm. L Nancy Baker (401-737-3052 7 to 9pm,
Sat., May. 4. Trails training event. Join with AMC members and REI volunteers in a hands-on trails training event in Arcadia Management area. Learn how to build waterbars, llog steps, og bridging, and other trail improvement features. Chapter trail leaders and AMC staff will perform the training. Bring lunch, water, and wear footwear with a good tread. L Christopher Shafer, reg/w Chris Shafer (401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,
Sat., May. 4. Intermediate Rock Climbing Course: Sat - May 4 & May 11. Course consists of two progressive classes of instruction and is intended for intermediate climbers or those who took the beginner class. Classes are held at nearby CT crags. Course participants must be 18-years old or 15-years old if accompanied by a parent/guardian. Fee for 2-day course: AMC Member $60, Nonmember $100. College Student Discount, AMC Member $40, Non Member $80. Register early as these classes fill quickly. L Brian Phillips (401-212-7705,, CL Peter Barlow (
Sun., May. 5. Conservation Stroll for Birds at Caratunk. We'll be looking for spring migrants in their breeding plumage before the trees are in full foliage. We are hoping for Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, Rufous-sided Towhees, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Wood Ducks and maybe a few warblers. We'll do our best to spot birds, so bring binoculars. 9 am. Families welcome, easy pace. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, CL Karen Rudio (508-397-2316,, CL Jean Marie Josephson, (
Sun., May. 5. Blue Hills hike. (new) Join us for a simple Blue Hills reservation hike with scenic views of Boston and Boston Harbor. Poor weather will cancel, boots required. L Chris Turgeon (, CL Corey Mott
Wed., May. 8. Hike and Social, Jamestown. 2-3 mile hike and we go out to dinner. Get off the couch and join us. Leave at 6 pm from town dock at the waterfront. L Donna Chellis (401-423-1259), CL Sid wax, reg/w (
Wed., May. 8. Tillinghast Pond Hike. 6 mile hike in beautiful Nature Conservancy property in W. Greenwich. Will be combined with hike up to Rattlesnake Ledges in Wickaboxet Wildliife management Area after. Bring water, snacks, lunch. 9:30 start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Thu., May. 9. Map & Compass Workshop - Part 1 of 2. Do you like to get out and explore, but worry about your skills to find your way back? Join WPWA and the Narragansett Chapter of the AMC for a two-part course (Thursday evening for 3 hours and Saturday day for 6 hours) that will teach you how to read and understand maps and use a compass correctly. At the end of this course participants should feel more comfortable with their abilities to plan routes and come out safely. This first part is a three hour indoor class held at the WPWA Campus. Topics include reading map symbols and contour lines, matching the terrain to the map, taking and using bearings, orienting map and compass, declination, determining your location and planning your route. Saturday's section will be conducted at Arcadia Management Area in Exeter. The morning session will allow participants to practice their new skills and learn other details about taking and using compass bearings. After lunch they will plan and then execute a bushwhack route through the woods. Instructors include experienced Northern Hikes Leaders from AMC. Participants should bring a declinated compass and plan to attend both dates. Price: $20.00/person covers both sessions. Register online at L Ed Poyer (401-783-6623,, CL Bob Janus
Sat., May. 11. Annual Spring Fling & New Member Social. Join us for a day filled with fun activities, workshops and food at the beautiful Goddard Park Carousel. This event is open to all current, new and prospective new members. See registration form for information.
Sat., May. 11. Hike with dogs. Hike/Walk at Steere Hill, Harmony with dogs. L Bonnie England, CL Judy Van Wyk , CL Russ Miller , reg/w Bonnie England (
Sat., May. 11. Potowomut (Green) River Kayak. We will meet at the put-in at the Goddard Park waterfront (See directions in Gazette for Spring Fling - Follow signs in park to waterfront). Please contact me via e-mail not later than Thurs, May 9, 2013 or via phone to let me know you are interested and to confirm the meeting time. We will paddle from Goddard Park beach to the East and then South to the river, turn to the West and go as far up the river as the tide permits before turning around and coming back to the put-in. The total length of the trip will depend on the weather, tides and desires of the group, but will likely be about 10 miles. Although most of the trip is relatively sheltered, at least a mile or so will likely have some exposure to the usual on-shore Bay breezes. These can vary up to 15 to 20 kts and may produce waves up to 2 or 3 ft or so. Experience in handling your boat in these winds and current (tidal) will be necessary. Please bring at least the following required equipment: boat (kayak 14 ft or longer recommended) paddle(s) life jacket spray skirt water bottle (or non-alcoholic beverage) lunch / extra food personal clothing appropriate for expected / possible weather (paddling jacket, rain gear, wetsuit, etc.) Also consider: dry clothes in plastic bag (optional, just in case) rope for tying up your boat (optional). More Info. L Gary Whitney (401-539-0922 Before 9 PM,
Sat., May. 11. Map & Compass Workshop - Part 2 of 2. This event is a continuation of Part 1 on May 9. See that date for a full description. Instructors include experienced Northern Hikes Leaders from AMC. Participants should bring a declinated compass and plan to attend both dates. Price: $20.00/person covers both sessions. Register online at L Ed Poyer (401-783-6623,, CL Bob Janus
Sat., May 11. Spring Fling Easy Kayak trip. Potowomut River - Same destination as sea kayakers - half the paddle. We will put in at Sandy Point boat launch and enjoy the beauty of the Potowomut (Green) River. There is a half mile paddle on the bay before we enter the shelter of the river. You should have some experience handling your boat in wind and tides if it's a windy day. Please bring at least the following required equipment: boat (kayak14 ft or longer recommended if windy) paddle(s) life jacket spray skirt, water bottle (or non-alcoholic beverage) lunch / extra food personal clothing appropriate for expected / possible weather (paddling jacket, rain gear, wetsuit, etc.) Also consider: dry clothes in plastic bag (optional, just in case) rope for tying up your boat (optional). L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, CL Cherine Whitney (
Sat., May. 11. Spring Fling Bike Ride. (new) 18-20 mile ride after lunch @ the AMC's Spring Fling. Moderate pace. Helmets req'd. Please no emails after Thursday 1pm. L Nancy Baker (401-737-3052 evenings 7-9,
Sat., May. 11. Hiking Mount Cardigan, NH. (new) Offered hike for Young Members Weekend at Cardigan Lodge event. Distance: 5.6 miles Elevation Gain: 1,950 feet Estimated Time: 4-1/2 hours Highlight: One of the best places to be in New Hampshire, with its 360-degree views and open ridge walks.
reg/w with CL Tim Bannin L Scott Disnard
Sun., May. 12. So. Kingstown/Exeter/Richmond Bike Ride. 30 mile moderate ride starting @Kingston trail station traveling on very rolling backcountry roads. Bring water, lunch, snacks. Helmets req'd. 10am sharp start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Wed., May. 15. Hike and Social, Wickford. 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at the municipal lot behind Rite Aid. 6 pm. L Richard Sullivan (401-338-2880,
Wed., May. 15. Beach Pond South, Arcadia Mgmt Area Hike. 7+ mile hike using Tippecansett, Dye Hill, Brushy Brook and Hemlock Ledges Trails. Great hike, Bring lots of water, snacks and lunch 9:30 sharp start. Maybe venture to Middle of Nowhere Diner after. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., May. 15. Pasta Challenge/Rehoboth Bike Ride. (canceled) Scenic rural biking. Two rides start/end at Hillside Country Club. One easy, one intermediate pace. All the pasta you cat eat at the Club afterward. 6pm start. Helmets req'd. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, L Bill Rush (
Fri., May 17-19. Young Members Camping Weekend. Come join us for a weekend of primitive camping along the Midstate trail, just over the border in MA. Learn about camping gear, and go on daily hikes of up to 12 miles. Boots, tent, camping gear, and 30-degree bag recommended. Very bad weather cancels. We have some gear to lend. This is a nice location with a lean to and tent spaces too! L Scott Disnard (
Sat., May. 18. Big River Conservation Flat Water Paddle, Coventry. Explore this winding, scenic marshy paddle. Then paddle under Rt. 95 into a totally different habitat and waterway on the same river. Expect bird life and escape civilization. 2 pm. For rentals, call Steve Morra at 401-231-5365. L Corey Mott ((401) 932-4439,, CL Cherine Whitney (401-539-0922,
Sat., May. 18. Hike in Charlestown, RI. (new) 9:00AM start for a 9-10 miles hike at Kettle Pond, North/South, and Vin Gormley trails. Mostly flat terrain. Bring lunch, plenty of water, and dress accordingly. L Maria Earley (401-789-8331, 7-9pm,
Sat., May. 18. Hike with dogs. (rescheduled from May 19) Hike/Walk at Carolina South with dogs. L Bonnie England (, CL Paul Wynn , reg/w Bonnie England (
Sun., May. 19. Watch Hill/Westerly Bike Ride. 32 miles through beautiful seaside communities. See this hotspot before the tourists arrive. Lunch by the harbor. bring lunch, water, snacks. Helmets req'd. 10am sharp start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Tue., May. 21. Tiverton Trifecta Hike. First hike in Ft. Barton Woods & Revolutionary Redoubt, then on to Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge and finish in Weetamoo Woods & Pardon Gray Preserve. A total of 9.6 miles. All locations minutes apart. Bring water, snacks and lunch for a long satisfying day. Not necessary to do all 3. EARLY start. 9am sharp. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Tue., May. 21. George Washington Mgt. area trailwork. (new) Help with trail clearing and brushing on the Walkabout trail. Meet 9:30. Bring water, lunch, and work gloves. For directions to meeting point, contact leader. L Neil Rodin (401-487-2400 day or evening,
Wed., May. 22. Hike and Social, Bristol. A "Tree Walk in Bristol". Park around the intersection of Oliver St and Thames St. in Bristol, RI. Meet at the artillery gun on the waterfront. 2-3 mile hike and go to dinner. L Gregg O'Brien (, CL Jean Marie Josephson (401-245-5523,
Thu., May. 23. Arcadia Mgt. area trail project. (new) Help install a replacement bridge over a stream, install a sign, and replace worn out log steps on Breakheart trail and possibly the Shelter trail. Bring lunch, water, and work gloves. All tools supplied by trails committee. Meet 9 AM. Contact leader for directions to meeting point. L Christopher Shafer, reg/w Christopher Shafer (401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,
Fri., May 24-27. Pemi Wilderness Loop hike. (registration full)Experienced backpackers only. 2 MPH pace. Participants required to bring their own meals, tents, sleeping pad/bag. L will have filter/stove. Without side trips (North Twin, Galehead, Zealand), trip is about 31.6 Miles, 7,981 feet of climb. Group limited to 6 Participants & 2L's. Parking at Lincoln woods, nighty tentsite fees (approx 8$/nt) not included. L Scott Disnard, CL Tammy Daughtery (, reg/w Scott Disnard (
Sat., May 25-27. Camp Dodge Trails/Hiking Weekend. Improve trails at Pinkham notch Sat/Sun- no experience req'd. Tools provided. Intermediate hike Monday. Lodging/most meals at Camp Dodge. Bring water bottles/day pack & wear hiking boots or equivalent with a good tread. L Christopher Shafer, CL Maria Earley (401-789-8331, 7-9pm,, reg/w Chris Shafer (401-789-8331, 7-9pm,
Sat., May. 25. Seven Pond Hike. (rescheduled to June 8)Young Members Sponsored. Meeting at Ell / Long Pond Parking lot, we will hike around Locustville, Blue, Long, Ell, Wincheck, Yawgoo Ponds, and Hidden Lake. Group decides if we return back through scenic Ell / Long Pond or the road. Hiking shoes required. Bring lunch, water, and snacks. Trip is about 10 miles. L Corey Mott , reg/w Corey Mott (
Sun., May. 26. Veterans Cemetery Walk. Join us for our annual Veterans Cemetery walk to honor our soldiers. Meet at the Rt 2 entrance in Exeter, RI at 10 am. For those that wish to extend the walk, we will continue on to Queen River Preserve. L Richard Sullivan (
Sun., May. 26. Tillinghast/Wickaboxet/Pratt Areas Hike. (new) Hike the newly opened trails connecting these three beautiful properties. Lots to see and appreciate. 8-10 mile hike, 9:30 start for short car spot. Bring lots of water, snacks and lunch. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Thu., May. 28. East Bay Bike Path & Colt State Park Ride. (rescheduled from May 23) 6 pm SHARP start, from Bristol. Meet at independence park. About 20 mile bike ride. All welcome. Comfortable pace, flat terrain.Helmets req'd. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Wed., May. 29. Hike and Social, Narragansett. 2-3 mile hike and we go to dinner. Get off the couch and join us. Leave from the plaza in front of Narragansett Towers, near Coast Guard House, at 6 pm. L Susan Boland (401-556-3926,
Sat., Jun. 1. Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge. Join Scott Ruhren, botanist and Director of Conservation at the Audubon Society of RI for a hike of the trails and rolling terrain of Audubon's newest public refuge we will explore unique habitats such as rock outcrops, cool, moist ravines and huckleberry thickets. June is a great time to be in the refuge when it is full of song birds and wildflowers. The trails were designed/built by AMC. Families welcome, easy pace. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234, CL Karen Rudio (508-397-2316,
Sat., Jun. 1-2. Rock Climbing, Shawangunks, New Paltz, NY. Climbers who have attended the climbing classes are given priority, others are determined by the number of leaders to seconds, stay at your choice of accommodations, dinner at an après climb restaurant. Reg/w leader to get specific trip information. L Brian Phillips (401-212-7705,, CL Kevin Sweeney (
Sat., Jun. 1. N. Kingstown/Narragansett Bike Ride. 35 mile scenic ride, moderate pace w/one steep hill. Lunch stop along Narrow River. Bring lunch, water snacks. 9:30 start. Helmets req'd. No emails after Thursday @1pm, please. L Nancy Baker (401-737-3052 evenings 7-9,
Sat., Jun. 2. Block Island Bike Ride. Bike the block. Take the AM ferry over and enjoy.. About 25 mi... Rolling terrain, but we have all day. All welcome. Hybrid or mountain bikes preferred. Bring water,snacks. Helmets req'd. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Tue., Jun. 4. Four Ponds Hike, Hopkinton. 6 mile hike to visit Four ponds, Long, Ell, Ashville & Blue in our quest to see blooming mountain laurels. Beautiful hike with some steep sections, great overlooks, and a little bushwacking as well. Don't forget bug spray! Please bring sturdy boots, lots of water, snacks and lunch. 9:30 start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Fri., Jun. 7-9. Alpine Flowers hike weekend. Enjoy the miniature beauty of alpine blossoms and spectacular views along the Presidential Range. One night at the Shapleigh bunk house, one night at the Lakes of the Clouds Hut. For the experienced mountain hiker with proper equipment. Twelve miles r.t., 6-7 hours per day, 2800 feet of elevation gain at a moderate steady pace. Should be comfortable scrambling rocks with a full pack. $200 includes 2 nights of lodging and 2 breakfasts. L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,, CL Bernardo Aumond , reg/w Bernardo Aumond (464 Hanover Street, #6, Boston, MA 02113, 617-335-7684,
Fri., Jun. 7. Charlestown, Kingstown Bike Ride. 30 mile moderate paced ride starting @Trustom Wildlife Refuge through Charlestown, beach communities, rolling country roads. Bring lunch water, snacks. maybe walk Trustom trails after ride. Helmets req'd. 10am start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Sat., Jun. 8. Long/Ell/Green Falls Pond Hike. 7 and 1/2 miles of mountain laurel (in bloom if we are lucky) on one of RI's and eastern CT's most beautiful trails. First and last miles strenuous and a bit rough. Early out option for those who want it at 4 1/2 miles. follow. L John M. Stevens (401-487-2629 7-9pm weeknights,, CL Linda Pease , CL Maria Earley
Sat., Jun. 8. Hike with dogs. Hike/Walk at George Washington mgmt area. L Bonnie England (, CL Russ Miller , CL Paul Wynn , reg/w Bonnie England (
Sat., Jun. 8-9. Washington and Monroe via Lakes of the Clouds Hut. (registration full) Enjoy sunset from the summit of Mt. Monroe. We'll arrive at Lakes of the Clouds Hut via Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail (3.1 mile/2,500 ft) and pick out bunks and then continue on to Mt. Monroe (.4 mile/350 ft) for sunset and return to Lakes with headlamps for an overnight stay. Sunday morning our attempt at Mt. Washington will be via Crawford Path (1.5 mile/? Ft) and we'll return to our cars via Gulfside Trail to Jewell Trail. Approximate cost is $120 includes Saturday night stay at the Lakes of the Clouds Hut, dinner that night and breakfast on Sunday. L Scott Disnard (, CL Tammy Daugherty reg/w Tammy Daugherty (
Sat., Jun. 8. Rehoboth-Swansea Bike Ride. 30 mile moderate paced ride meanders along the Taunton River and nearby countryside. Helmets required. L Carol Richards, CL Ted Bell (, reg/w Carol Richards (401-434-8448 after 5:30,
Tue., Jun. 11. Narragansett shore evening ride. (rescheduled from June 4) Leave at 6 pm sharp from Narragansett beach lot. 18 mile ride... Comfortable pace. Ride along shore to Great Island and back. Helmets req'd. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Sat., Jun. 15. Locustville Pond Paddle. We will meet at Hope Valley Elementary School. We will paddle around the entire pond with a stop at the boat ramp for snack / lunch break. At the top end, we will see how far up stream we can get before hitting a beaver dam. PDF required. Bring lunch, water, and snacks. L Corey Mott, CL Janet Huntley (, reg/w Corey Mott (
Wed., Jun. 19. Pasta Challenge/Rehoboth Bike Ride. Scenic rural biking. Two rides start/end at Hillside Country Club. One easy, one intermediate pace. All the pasta you can eat at the Club afterward. 6 pm start. Helmets req'd. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, L Bill Rush (
Sat., Jun. 22. Hike with Dogs. Hike/Walk at Browning Woods. L Bonnie England, CL Leslie Kelleter , CL Russ Miller , reg/w Bonnie England (
Sun., Jun. 23. Wickford Harbor, kayak to Jamestown Bridge. Leaving Wickford Harbor and heading south towards Jamestown Bridge. Relaxed sea kayaking. Weather and wind determine specifics. Bring lunch, water, and safety gear. Launch at 10:00am. L Anne Fusco (401-884-3205 7-9pm,, CL Bill Rush (
Tue., Jun. 25. Newport evening bike ride. Leave 6 pm sharp from CVS on Bellevue. Ride around Ocean Drive and out to beach, about 20-25mi. Rolling terrain. 12-13 mph pace. Helmets req'd. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Sat., Jun. 29. Quonset (no) Air Show kayaking. (revised) Kayak to where the Annual Quonset Air Show would have been, and then paddle north to Allen Harbor. Bring lunch, water, and required safety gear. Launch at 10:00am Wilson Park. Rain date is Sunday. L Michael Krabach, CL Bill Hahn (401-524-1612,, reg/w Michael Krabach (401-333-5350,
Sun., Jun. 30. Easy Rider Clam Cake Bike ride. South County bike path to Aunt Carrie's, to the beach, and ice cream break. 25 miles at 10-12 mph; easy pace. Helmets required. 10 am start. L Michael Krabach (401-333-5350,, CL Linda Pease (401-351-2234,
Wed., Jul. 3-7. Grafton Loop hiking weekend. (new) For Experienced backpackers, ~2 MPH pace. Join us for a long weekend of backpacking in Grafton Notch State Park where we will attempt to complete the Grafton Loop, ~36 miles and ~12k feet elevation gain. Experience beautiful scenery and breathtaking views atop two of the NE 100 Highest Peaks! Limited to 6 participants and 3 Leaders. 3 nights camping and 1 night at Hostel in Gorham, NH. L Scott Disnard (, CL Tim Bannin , reg/w Scott Disnard (
Fri., Jul. 12-14. Carter Dome and Hight hiking weekend. (new) Hike to panoramic views from Mt. Hight (4675') then Carter Dome (4832'). Strenuous 10 miles with 3,500' elev. gain. For intermediate hikers. Cost is $110 & incl. 2 nights lodging at ski lodge, plus 2 brkf. & 1 dinner. Possible visit to Carter Hut. Register & Payment by 7/5/13 with Bob Janus. L Robert Janus, CL Sue Warthman (401-270-3363,, reg/w Bob Janus (401-828-5532 7:00 to 9:00pm,
Sat., Jul. 13. Tri-State Tour Bike Ride. 3 states in one ride! Start in Pascoag, RI into NE corner of CT, into MA and back to RI. 33 mile intermediate paced ride. Bring water and snacks, lunch. Helmets reqd. 9:30am sharp start! L Scott Disnard (
Wed., Jul. 17. Pasta Challenge/Rehoboth Bike Ride. Scenic rural biking. Two rides start/end at Hillside Country Club. One easy, one intermediate pace. All the pasta you can eat at the Club afterward. 6pm start. Helmets req'd. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,
Sat., Aug. 3. Race Brook Falls, Mt Race and Sages Ravine. Hike the CT/MA Appalachian Trail through the deep and dark Sages Ravine. Then hike the cliff side up to the summit of Mt. Race with it's 360 degree views of the southern Taconic Range. Then we'll hike down to the steep but scenic Race Brook Falls Trail and visit it's 5 sets of cascades (the highest about 60 feet). Waterfalls, views, cliffs, this hike has it all. Early carpool from Northern RI. Late Return. Eat out after hike. L John Stevens (401-487-2629 7-9pm weeknights,, L Christopher Shafer (a, CL Maria Earley , reg/w John Stevens (401-487-2629 7-9pm weeknights,
Wed., Aug. 21. Pasta Challenge/Rehoboth Bike Ride. Scenic rural biking. Two rides start/end at Hillside Country Club. One easy, one intermediate pace. All the pasta you can eat at the Club afterward. 6pm start. Helmets req'd. L Bill Rush. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,