Our Leaders Rewards Program
The Narragansett Chapter executive board has decided at its January meeting to offer the leader reward program again in 2017 to our chapter leaders.
Goals of the leader reward program:
- To offer a financial reward (AMC membership renewal paid by our chapter) to our chapter leaders who qualify.
- To spur existing leaders that lead only occasionally to become more active in leading more frequently.
- To encourage members who are not leaders to become leaders, including both existing co-leaders who have not yet gained leader status, as well as our general membership who have not yet entered into a leader training program for an activity of their interest.
- To help retain leaders.
With that introduction, the following explains how leaders can get the reward of having their AMC membership fees paid for by our chapter.
Committee chairs and subchairs will be responsible for keeping track of the trip/event leaders to determing if leaders qualify for the rewards program.
An AMC Narragansett chapter leader qualifies for free AMC renewal membership in the 2019 calendar year, paid to the AMC by the Narragansett chapter treasurer prior to the expiration date of the leader’s membership in 2018, based on the following conditional provisions (ie. rules) of the Narragansett chapter leader reward program:
- The leader leads six or more AMC trips or events in the 2018 (defined as the period from November 1, 2017 through October 31, 2018).
- For leading a single day trip or event, a leader get credit for one lead.
- For a multiple- day trip or event, such as a weekend trip or event where a leader leads a trip or event on multiple days, the leader gets credit for leading one trip or event, for each day a trip or event is led by that leader. However, if the leader has his/her basic trip expenses paid, such as from the overall trip revenues accrued from participant fees, the leader gets credit for one lead only for the entire set of trips and events led by that leader.
- Some of our weekend trips are of the multi-activity nature, where there might be, simultaneously or staggered, different types of trips or events going on such as paddling, hiking, and biking. Each of these trips or events would have its own leader and that person would get credit for having led once for each day he/she leads during the weekend. However, if the leader has his/her basic trip expenses paid, such as from the overall trip revenues accrued from participant fees, the leader gets credit for one lead only for the entire set of trips and events led by that leader.
- For complex events such as the weekend trips of the multi-activity nature, if there is an overall administrative leader; that person would also get credit for having led one trip.
- On any given trip or event, there may be a leader only or there might also be a co-leader and/or second leader. The co-leader and/or second leader does not qualify as having led the trip or event, i.e., only the primary leader of the trip or event would be given credit as having led. An exception to this applies to dog hiking events, where the nature of the event may at times require more than one primary leader.
- A leader can qualify for the incentive by any combination of leading, i.e., not just restricted to one type of activity. For example, if the leader is qualified to lead biking and skiing, that person could lead 4 bike trips and 2 ski trips in a calendar year and qualify for the membership renewal reward.
- A leader gets full credit for a trip or event lead that is shortened due adverse weather conditions, adverse conditions on the trail route, etc.
- A leader gets full credit for a trip or event lead, regardless of the time it takes to do the trip or event (e.g. full day vs. half day trips or events).
- A leader does not get any credit for having led a trip or event, if the trip or event gets canceled.
- The chapter treasurer pays to AMC Headquarters in calendar year 2019 the qualifying leader’s pertinent AMC membership renewal fee for the expiring 2018 membership, i.e., based on whether the leader has a single adult membership , junior membership (under 30 years of age), senior membership (over 65 years of age) or appropriate portion of family membership. For a leader having a family membership, if there are two or more adults in the family, two of the adults would have to qualify as having led six or more trips or events in 2017, to qualify for the full family membership renewal fee payment. Otherwise, if there are two or more adults in the family and only one of the adults qualifies by leading six or more trips or events, then the chapter treasurer will pay the AMC a portion of the family membership renewal fee equivalent to a single adult membership renewal fee.
If you have any questions, contact the Activities Chair, Chris Shafer.
Rev. Jan. 18, 2017