Opportunity to display your Photograph or Art Collection
Rev. April 25, 2011

We would like to give the opportunity to members of the AMC and other groups to display their best original photographs and original art work on the front page of the Narragansett Chapter web site. This will give our website a little freshness and give a free gallery for artists to show their talent. All the entries should be related to the outdoors or AMC related activities. All entries should have some artistic design or related quality that makes them a good candidate.

The web site uses an image that is displayed from a random selection among several banner images. These are the ones that have the watermark on them “Appalachian Mountain Club” in green text. (Update: now the AMC logo.)Your photographs or art work will have it's own page for banner images and will be displayed in random order whenever the front page is refreshed or is reloaded. That is what occurs now with the current banner images. Your collection of images will be used on the web site depending on the quality of the images, how many images you have, and how many other people submit image collections.

I would like at least 10 images to work with from each person. Each image you submit will have to be edited down to fit the front banner page window. The central image on the front page is about 600x278 pixels. The height of the window is 278 pixels. All images will be cropped and/or resized to within these dimensional constraints.

For those of you artists that paint, draw or sketch, you should take digital photos of your art and submit those. If you do not have a proper digital camera or difficulty photographing the artwork, let me know and I will help you. Flash reflections in the middle of the image is the most common problem photographing artwork.

While 600x278 pixels is the size for the final banner image, I would like the original images to work with. Send in your original size photos. Do not crop them or resize them. Original size photos are preferred for flexibility in creating the banner photos. This means that most all images will be in a horizontal format. Vertical photographs can be used but will be edited as described below. They should be sent to me as per my instructions in the Photo Album “Send in Photos and Reports” link. The following is a sample on how the photos or artwork might be handled.

The above underlay image shows you an an original photo ( as I might receive from you.) with the final edited version as an overlay. In this example, the photograph (the original of which was much larger) was first resized in width to the 600 pixel limit. (You can see that both photographs encompass the same field of view.) It was then cropped vertically to the 278 pixel limit. The cropped area thus being defined, was moved up and down to get the best balanced photo for presentation. It was then saved as a new image.

Another program was used to impress a watermarked text on the photograph. (Update: new AMC logo will be used.)Which results in the final banner photograph below.

This process was repeated for all the banner photographs, which resulted in the banner original set as seen below. You may click on the images to view the full size banners.

So for all you aspiring photographers and artists out there, send in a collection of your best and get a free gallery to show your artistic creations. I will include credits for your photographs and artwork. If you have any questions on the suitability of any of your photographs or art creations, or any other questions, contact the webmaster either by email or phone.

Michael Krabach
Narragansett Chapter AMC