AMC Narragansett Chapter

Dear ,
Hello from the Narragansett Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club! We hope this email will keep you informed and about Chapter events and activities, and keep you connected with the latest online links and sites to find information about the Chapter.

Members and guests are invited to join us at the "Save the Bay" building for our Annual Chapter Meeting and Dinner Saturday evening, November 8th from 5:30-9:15 pm.  In addition to our "short" business meeting and awards presentations, we welcome Chuck Horbert as our featured speaker.  Chuck will give a presentation of paddling across Rhode Island, and  how it is done when the rivers run north-south.

All members are encouraged to join our annual meeting which not only has a great presentation and dinner, gives members a chance to meet new members and renew old acquaintances.  Here is the chance to chat with members involved in other activities besides those you normally participate in. New members and guests will have a chance to meet our volunteer leaders and socialize.  Our Chapter only has two events a year where everyone is invited at once.  Our Spring Fling and our Annual Meeting.  Don't miss this great Fall event.

We will also be presenting our main Chapter awards to deserving members and leaders, including our Appie of the Year Award, our John Clark Award, and our Golden Appie Award.  Our Chapter is run entirely by leaders who give time and effort to maintain the Chapter as it is. This is a chance for the Chapter to acknowledge their hard work. For more information and registration use this link. 


You are receiving this message because you are a member of AMC's Narragansett Chapter.
Appalachian Mountain Club, 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108

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