Our Chapter is considering ways to streamline communications and minimize costs. One item under consideration is our newsletter, the Gazette. We now have a separate mailed Gazette and an enhanced online Gazette. Give us your opinions, or suggestions, on various options that could be considered.

    Various non-inclusive ideas include:
  1. Keeping things as they are, ie. a mailed text version and online enhanced versions.
  2. Eliminate the mailed Gazette, but keep it as downloadable pdf.
  3. Eliminate the mailed Gazette in all versions, but keep the enhanced online Gazette.
  4. Produce a single newsletter that is paginated and downloadable from the website. (Note the current online Gazette is not paginated for downloading or printing.)
  5. Eliminate the newsletter and just have a calendar (our most viewed webpage). Any committee/general announcements would appear separately on the website.

Give us opinions or suggestions on adopting (or rejecting) any of the options. Or if you have any unique ideas of your own, let us know.

What is your favorite method finding trips? Do you mostly use the calendar, the paper Gazette, the "Narragansett Activities" link, a database search, etc.?

Use the "Suggestion Box" button to send us your opinions.

Michael Krabach
Communications Chair/Webmaster
