Bicycle Touring Journals
Here is a selection of a few of the fine links found on the Internet for those interested in bicycle touring. Most relate to self-contained touring, but not all. And of course they all have further links that can be followed, and followed, and followed, until you realize that bicycle touring is very popular and addicting. Many participants love to tell the World how great touring is, resulting in all the touring journals. I don't think other forms of transportation and recreation inspire the dedication shown by the thousands of pages of journals. Link onward friends.
Adventure Cycling Organization is my favorite bicycle organization. They are the defacto self-contained bicycle touring organization in the United States and have the best, bar none, bicycle maps for the United States available anywhere. They also have a dedicated area for their member touring journals, currently with 465 journals. |
Mike Bentley's site is a mostly linked site with over 380 world wide links for bicycle touring. Lots of interesting reading. |
The Crazy Guy on a Bike is the most technical bicycle touring site where the tourer starts a journal, fills in the blanks with text and photos, and automatically ends up with a standard professional format touring journal. Currently with 993 travel journals listed. |
Thinking of traveling with your bike? George Farnsworth's site serves as a “sort of” clearing house for tips and advice on traveling with your bike. After all, most bike tours have to start and end at some place, usually not your home. This site, along with great travel horror stories, has good advice. It also has some touring links. |
Want to know something obscure about your bike or bicycles in general? This site is the famous Sheldon Brown site by the quintessential famous and unique Sheldon Brown. It has just about anything you want to know about bicycles. I can't explain it, except that it will take longer to get out of the Site than to get into it. Has a page on touring. |
The Trento Bike Pages is a site dedicated to touring specifically in Europe and the Mediterranean. Information is indexed by specific country, which includes books and maps, tour reports, packing advice and trail conditions. International in scope, foreign language skills will be needed to read some of the tour reports. |
Got questions about biking in general or touring specifically, check the Bike Forum for answers. Or register and ask a few for yourself. Try to allocate a specific time limit for reading, otherwise scheduled chores tend to languish. |
While not really a touring site, the Narragansett Bay Wheelmen's site is Rhode Island's own bike site for everything about biking in Rhode Island, and I would be amiss not putting in a plug for the locals who sponsor a ride every week of the year. |