The Gansett Gazette
December-January 2012-2013
From the (Past) Chair
Our Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 10th was a terrific evening!
The event began with a lively "Lightweight Gear Clinic" given to a standing room only crowd, by our evening's presenter, Andrew Skurka. Our social hour was a great time to visit with friends, and meet new members.
After a brief business meeting, we all applauded our major award winners for 2012: John Clark Award winners Robin Kuznitz and Sarah Rich, and our Appie of the Year Award winner Mike Krabach, our chapter's webmaster and kayak subchair. It is always a very satisfying part of our Annual Meeting to recognize those volunteers who do so much for the AMC and for our chapter, so a huge thanks is in order for all our award winners. The entire Annual Report will be posted on line so you can read ALL the accomplishments of our chapter leaders and members.
The wonderful evening was capped by an "amazing and inspiring" presentation given by Andrew Skurka on his 4,700 mile solo journey across Alaska and the Yukon. Thanks to Jack Schempp and Debbie Mitchell for recommending that we engage Andrew as our presenter this year - his slides, videos and remarks were riveting. The Annual Meeting Planning Committee is heartily thanked for providing such a well-organized, interesting and fun evening.
It has truly been an honor and privilege to serve our Chapter in a leadership role these past three years, one as Vice Chair and the past two years as Chair. I have so appreciated the support of the AMC "Club" Staff and Board Members, along with our Narragansett Chapter Board and Leadership, and the many members who volunteer so readily and give a hand wherever it is needed. As so many of us did, I first joined the AMC many years ago when I did my first hut to hut journey in the Whites. Serving in a leadership role for our chapter has been a meaningful and rewarding way to "give back" for the years and miles of hiking on such beautiful trails. Please consider volunteering for our chapter's Board in the future, as your way also to give back.
My warmest thanks to everyone and my heartiest congratulations to the new 2012-2013 Board and Leadership!
Cardigan Lodge Fall Harvest Festival October 19-21
Starting with rain on Friday evening and night, Saturday turned into an incredible 70 deg day with calm winds. Sunday started out crisp in the 40's and rose to the 50's with strong wind, a typical Fall day. We almost filled the Lodge with members and guests. The meals were up to the Hut standards, with more than you could eat, and the evening activities kept everyone jumping. I'm sure next year will be on everyone's to-do calendar. We say 'Thank you' to everyone who made the weekend possible.
Read our article about the weekend and see more photos and videos in the Photo Album under "Multi Event Trips".
Narragansett Chapter AMC Leadership Roster
Chapter Chair-Debbie Mitchell
Chapter Vice-Chair-Bob Tessitore
Secretary-Matt Putnam
Treasurer-Tom Eagan
Membership Chair-Robin Kuznitz
Activities Chair-Chris Shafer
Communications Chair-Mike Krabach
Conservation Chair-Linda Pease
Leadership Chair-Ed Poyer
Trails Chair-Dav Cranmer
Backpacking & Northern Hikes Subchair-Ed Poyer
Biking Subchair-Marcie Madsen
Local Hikes Subchair-Carol Baldwin
Technical Climbing Co-Subchairs-
Peter Barlow and Brian Phillips
Flatwater Paddling Subchair-Linda Pease
Sea Kayaking Subchair-Michael Krabach
Skiing Subchair-Sue Rollins
Young Members Subchair-Scott Disnard
Family Outings Subchair-Debbie Mitchell
Webmaster/Photographer-Mike Krabach
Publicist-Shannon Kelley
Archivist-Volunteer needed.
Trip Registration
A reminder on registering for all of our activities. All our trips (almost all) require attendees to register prior to attending. Register with the leader (L) of the activity to find the time and place of the activity, and any requirements as to experience and equipment needed. Some trips prefer you to register with (reg/w) someone other than the leader. Be sure to meet any deadlines for registration and payment.
Executive Board Changes
Effective this month our new Chair Debbie Mitchell and vice Chair Bob Tessitore take control (figuratively) of the Chapter executive committee. Mike Krabach has assumed (literally) the Communication Chair position. Other positions remain the same as the past year. We thank current chairs and subchairs, and other volunteers for their help in making the chapter work.
Annual Meeting Awards
Appie of the Year – This award is presented annually to that person who, in an outstanding manner, exemplifies the mission of the Appalachian Mountain Club. Awarded to Mike Krabach for work on the chapter website.
John Clark Award - This award is given to the "unsung hero" of our chapter - someone who quietly goes about their business of contributing to the chapter. The is award was given to two members this year. To Robin Kuznitz for her work as the Membership Chair for the past 5 years, and to Sarah Rich for her contributions to the Technical Climbing committee over many years.
AMC's 137th Annual Summit
The Appalachian Mountain Club's 137th Annual Summit (formerly known as Annual Meeting) will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2013, at the Four Points by Sheraton, Norwood Hotel & Conference Center, Norwood, MA.
The day's activities, which begin at 8:00 a.m., will include:
- AMC's 137th Annual Business Meeting
- Celebrating the 45th anniversary of AMC's Youth Opportunities Program (YOP)
- Club-wide committee meetings
- Club-wide volunteer awards
- Engaging professional development workshops
- AMC Showcase
At night, join us at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and a presentation by our keynote speaker, Audrey Peterman, president and co-founder of Earthwise Productions.
Registration is required.
If you plan to attend the full days events including dinner, contact Tom Eagan.
Additional Information or Questions:
Contact Cindy Martell at 617-391-6603
In Memoriam-Past Members
Joe Kuzneski, a prolific AMC Volunteer for decades, passed away on Sept. 5 after a long fight with cancer. Joe gave thousands of hours to the Club on the trail, in the meeting room and in the background handling administrative responsibilities. He was renowned for his dedication and conscientiousness, his meticulous trip planning, and for always having fully prepared bail out and alternate plan options on his trips. Read more under "Notices & Reminders".
Don MacQuattie We regret the passing of Don MacQuattie this past July 18. Many of the long time members will remember him as a quiet, pleasant and most gracious friend. Below are some of the many comments from people who knew him in not only the AMC but in the NBW. Some of the material is from his online obituary at the Smith Mason Funeral Home, some from the Narragansett Bay Wheelmen magazine and some from his friends. Read more under "Notices & Reminders".
Winter Hiking Resources
As winter hiking season starts, members are reminded about wearing florescent orange when in any of the State Management Areas. Leaders will remind you when you sign up for a trip. Information on specific requirement are on our web site under the “Recreational/Local Hikes” section “Hunting Season and Orange”.
Weather in Rhode Island is fickle and the melting and freezing causes a glaze of ice that is often covered by snow. If it would only stay cold the problem would be solved but in the meantime, hikers should consider purchasing some type of ice traction device. Advice on different types, costs and availability are on our website on the “Recreational/Local Hikes” page and also under the “Winter Snow Resources”. Prepare yourself with the required equipment before you sign up for a winter hike.
For those who wish to take up serious winter hiking, look over the requirements on our “Winter Snow Resources” are reviewed under “Winter Hiking Equipment and Clothing”.
For the latest information on the listed hikes and activities always refer to the online Gazette and Calendar. The mailed/printed Gazette is published every two months. This is a long time and changes and additions are bound to occur during that interval. For even shorter notification, weather critical trips like XC skiing may or may not get in the online Gazette, so subscribe to the email list server. Look under “Activity Listings/Join email lists” on the front page of the website, or go directly to the sign up page. Some notices and changes may also be listed in the “Message Board”.
Leaders and Committee members, who are you? Our leaders and committee members are volunteers who enjoy donating their time and expertise for the benefit of the AMC, so that our members can enjoy the outdoor opportunities we offer. The Narragansett Chapter has a trip leader and committee member profile page to credit and introduce our leaders and committee members to the membership.
If you are a trip leader, a committee member, serve in some other capacity for the club, or served as an active past leader, and have not submitted a profile, we encourage you to share a profile with the chapter. Submitting information for the profile page is strictly voluntary, but in the spirit of the AMC, I hope most of you will contribute.
Sat., Dec. 1. Bluff Point Sate Park, Groton CT. Approx 5 mile, beautiful view of Long Island Sound, if lucky might even see a submarine. Bring water and lunch or snack. If icy, bring stabilicers. Torrential rain or heavy snow cancels. Start 10:00. L Katherine Mears (401-348-9413 7-9 p.m.,, CL Colleen Quattromani
Wed., Dec. 5. Hike and Social, Fort Adams. Meet at rear entrance road at bathroom on the right, in the small parking lot, 6pm. Bring a flashlight. L Thomas Freeman (
Sat., Dec. 8. Hike Fisherville Brook Wild Life Refuge. (canceled) Meet at 9:00 for a 5 miles easy 2 loops trail in the Fisherville Wild Life Refuge. Beautiful time of the year to enjoy the outdoors. Bring water, and snacks. Rain will cancel the hike. L Maria Earley (401-789-8331 07:00PM - 09:00PM,
Sat., Dec. 8. Hike Narragansett Trail - Segment 1. Young Members Sponsored. Come hike the first of three segments on the Narragansett Trail from Ashville Pond, through scenic Ell and Long Ponds, through Camp Yawgoo, up to Green Falls pond, through the gorge, back down to Sand Hill Road. This will cover 8.5 to 9 miles with some rock scrambles and muddy patches. Hiking shoes and orange required. Bring water and a lunch! We will meet at 9:00am to shuttle cars. L Scott Disnard (, CL Corey Mott , reg/w Corey Mott (
Tue., Dec. 11. Arcadia Trail/Arcadia Management Area hike. Beautiful 7 mile hike in the Arcadia Management Area. Previously cancelled because of "Sandy". Please wear at least 500 square inches of orange required. Bring water, lunch, snacks. A short car spot. 9:30 start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Katherine Mears (
Wed., Dec. 12. Hike and Social, East Greenwich. (new) 2-3 mile hike & a light supper out. Get off the couch. 6 pm start from Harborside parking lot. Bring flashlights. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Sat., Dec. 15. Hike with dogs. Hike/walk Browning Farm Woods Trail, Perryville, appx. 3 miles. L Bonnie England (, CL Russ Miller , CL Lesli Kelleter
Sat., Dec. 15. Step by Step Mt Wachusett. Learn the basics of winter hiking. Short hike with much time given to information and demonstration. Check out leaders winter gear and why they carry it. L Stephen Harrison, CL Mike Mcquinn , reg/w Steve Harrison (401-270-3363 7-9 pm,
Sun., Dec. 16. North South Trail segment #2. (rescheduled to Jan 5) Hike the second section of the NST from Buck Hill Rd. to George Washington Management Area around 7 miles. We will meet at GWMA at 10 am to spot a few cars to Buck Hill to start our hike south. Orange vest required. Bring water, snacks, lunch and wear hiking boots. Rain cancels. L Carol Baldwin (, CL Pam Hill
Wed., Dec. 19. Pachaug Trail & Hemlock Ledges Hike. (new) 8 mile moderate to difficult hike w/some steep strenuous sections. Please wear sturdy boots, and bring water, snacks and lunch. Local diner after hike. 500 sq. in. of orange required. 9:30 start w/a short car spot. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Katherine Mears (
Sat., Dec. 22. Shelter/Breakheart Trail Hike. (new) Hike in the woods instead of the malls. 6 mile hike, over Penney hill around Breakheart Pond. Please wear 500 of legal orange. Bring water, snacks for a 3-4 hour hike. Heavy rain will cancel....we'll see about snow! 9:30 start. "Middle of Nowhere Diner" after for late breakfast or coffee after. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Sat., Dec. 22. Tillinghast Management Area. (new) Join us for this easy 6 miles hike in the Nature Conservancy. Directions to the TMA: take Rt 102 to Plain Meeting House Rd. (r) onto Plain Rd, park in the large lot on the (r). Bring water, snacks/ lunch, wear boots, you need an orange vest it's required at this time of year. Start time is 9:30 and rain will cancel this hike. Contact Rebecca for registration or more information. L Carol Baldwin (, CL Rebecca Swagger, reg/w Rebecca Swagger (860-377-0387,
Sun., Dec. 23. Rome Point hike. This is a 3-4 miles hike at Rome Point in North Kingstown with a chance to share eggnog and cookies along the way. L Richard Sullivan (
Wed., Dec. 26. Hike and Social, Wakefield. (new) 2-3 mile hike then supper out. 6:00 pm start. Bring flashlights. Get off the couch. Meet in lot behind Phil's. L Richard Sullivan (401-338-2880,
Sat., Dec. 29. Family Hike John F Chafee Preserve/Rome Point. Bring family and friends for a short hike (~2 miles RT) at Chafee Nature Preserve/Rome Point, North Kingstown. Marine biologist Dr. Kathy Vigness-Raposa will provide binoculars and a spotting scope for a close-up view of harbor seals, if we are lucky, along with family-friendly fun facts about seals in RI and the history behind Rome Point. L Debbie Mitchell (401-743-4192,, CL Kathy Raposa (
Sun., Dec. 30. Walk off Christmas in Uxbridge. Scenic hiike along the Blackstone River from the Visitors Center to historic Plummer's Landing and Lookout Rock. Depending on conditions traction devices needed. Hiking boots, lunch/snacks/drinks. L Linda Pease (401-351-2234,, CL Barbara Flagg (
Sat., Jan. 5. Step by Step Pack Monadnock. Hopefully snow so we can try our winter gear and learn to do it safely. Instruction on nutrition , hydration and heat regulation. Winter gear required contact leader with questions . L Stephen Harrison, CL Bob Janus , reg/w Steve Harrison (401-270-3363 7-9 pm,
Tue., Jan. 8. Weetamo Woods/Fort Barton Hike. (new) 5 mile hike in this beautiful preserve and Land Trust area, then onto hike in Fort Barton Woods & Revolutionary War Redoubt. Bring lunch, water, snacks. 10am start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., Jan. 9. Young Members Ice Skating Social. (new) Meeting at 6:00 for skating and food/drinks nearby after. Come meet some new members and have a fun time! College Skate Night (Valid College ID required) Every Wednesday 6pm - 10pm Admission $3.00 Skate Rental $3.00. L Scott Disnard (
Wed., Jan. 9. Hike/social - Newport. (new) 2-3 mile hike and the we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. Walk thru Newport' s colonial Point section, and along the shore. Bring flashlight. Meet at Van Zandt pier at Washington St., 6 pm. L Thomas Freeman (401-338-2250,
Fri., Jan. 11-13. Mt. Whiteface hiking weekend, N. Conway. VIEWS! for experienced winter hikers with full gear. Very steep in sections, exposed summit. 7.8 mi with 2850 ft elev gain. 2 nights lodging at ski lodge in N. Conway, 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. Sunday hike is leaders choice . Fee $110. L Stephen Harrison, CL Elise Hedglen , reg/w Steve Harrison (401-270-3363 7-9 pm,
Fri., Jan. 11-13. Mt. Monroe and Mt. Washington Day Hiking Weekend. Join the leaders as they attempt to summit Mounts Monroe and Washington via the Ammonoosuc Ravine and Crawford Path trails. Full winter gear, appropriate fitness level, and significant winter above-treeline experience required. Cost of $125 covers 2 nights of lodging, 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. L Ed Poyer (401-212-9201,, CL Bernardo Aumond , reg/w Bernardo Aumond (464 Hanover Street, #6, Boston, MA 02113, 617-335-7684,
Sat., Jan. 12. Annual Technical Climbing Party. Come catch up with friends old and new. Slide shows of trips. Gear swap. Pot Luck - Last name: A-L - entrees, M-R - appetizers; S-Z- main course. L Sarah Rich (, reg/w Brian Phillips (
Tue., Jan. 15. Hike with dogs. Hike/walk Weetamoo Woods, Tiverton with dogs, appx. 5 miles. L Judy Van Wyk (, CL Paul Wynn, CL Russ Miller, reg/w Bonnie England (,
Tue., Jan. 15. Blue Hills Skyline Trail Hike. (new) 6 mile hike starting @ Museum to Buck Hill and back. Lots of ups & downs. Sturdy boots, water, snacks, lunch. Early departure from RI. Call for meet time & location. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., Jan. 16. Hike/Social - Garden City, Cranston. (new) 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. 6 pm at Whole Foods on Sockanosset Cross Road. Bring a flashlight. L Sidney Wax (401-849-2595,
Fri., Jan. 18-21. Alpine Hikes on Martin Luther King Weekend. Enjoy spectacular views in an alpine setting. For those in good condition with winter experience, prepared to hike above treeline. Full winter gear required. Sunday's hike is leaders' choice. $185 for 3 nights' lodging, 3 breakfasts and 2 dinners. L Ed Poyer (, CL Peter Broderick
Sat., Jan. 19-20. Ice Climbing NH, White Mountains Region. Designed for experienced ice climbers and rock climbers who have attended the rock courses or have equivalent experience. Must have, or rent, boots and crampons but can share ice tools. Cost share lodging. Register with Leader. L Brian Phillips (
Sun., Jan. 20. Winter Hike in Arcadia. (canceled) We may need snowshoes or Micro-Spikes; or like last January the ground was bare but the temperature was around 12-14 degrees. Please check the AMC Web-Site because Trail conditions will determine location. Orange required, 10:30 start. L David Natale (401-739-9606 anytime,
Wed., Jan. 23. George Washington Mgmt. Area Hike. (new) Hike the Walkabout Trail either the 6 or 8 mile loop depending on weather. 200 of orange required.Bring water, snacks, lunch. 10am start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Wed., Jan. 23. Hike and Social - Bristol. (new) 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. 6 pm. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at start of East Bay Bike path (Thames and Oliver Sts). If the night is clear we will have a chance to star and moon gaze. Bring binoculars and flashlight. Hike ends at Agave, 805 Hope St. Let us know if you are going to stay to eat. Contact CL. L Sidney Wax (, CL Jean Marie Josephson (401-245-5523,
Fri., Jan. 25-27. Ski Bretton Woods in the White Mts. Most reliable snow in the Whites, varied terrain, discounted tickets, 2 breakfasts, dinners, happy hours, 2/room, bunks. Possible visit to famous Mt Washington Hotel, fireplace lounge.. Fee $187. L Jack Schempp, ), reg/w Jack Schempp (47 Arbor Drive, Providence, RI 02908, 401-331-4553 7-9,
Sat., Jan. 26. Hike with dogs. (canceled)Hike/walk with dogs to Rome Point, North Kingstown, appx. 4 miles. L Judy Van Wyk (, CL Russ Miller , CL Lesli Kelleter, reg/w Bonnie England (
Sat., Jan. 26. Step by Step Mt Greylock hike. Highest peak in mass. Very exposed at summit with great views. Hike is 8 mi RT with 2000 ft elev gain. Preference given to previous Step by Step with full winter gear. Carpool from Ri with eat out after. L Stephen Harrison, CL Tammy Daugherty , reg/w Steve Harrison (401-270-3363 7-9 pm,
Wed., Jan. 30. Hike and Social - Wickford. (new) 2-3 mile hike and we go out to eat. Get off the couch and join us. Meet at town dock, at the municipal lot behind Rite Aid. 6 pm. Bring flashlight. L Richard Sullivan (401-338-2880,
Thu., Jan. 31. Francis Carter Preserve Hike. (new) 6 mile easy hike on woodland trails in this beautiful Nature Conservancy preserve. Bring water & snacks. Lunch/late breakfast @ local diner after. 10am start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,
Fri., Feb. 1-3. Intermediate X-C Skiing, N. Conway. (canceled) 2-nights lodging, two breakfasts, one dinner at warm and friendly ski club lodge. North Conway region. Limit 10 participants. Fee $100. L Susan Rollins (401-521-7188, 6:00 - 8:00 PM), L Larry Rollins (401-521-7188, 6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Fri., Feb. 1-3. Cross-Country Skiing Beginner/Intermediate Instructional Weekend. (see reschedule on Feb 22-24) $160 fee includes Fri & Sat lodging at Sargent Center, 3 Sat meals and 2 Sun meals, happy hour, and ski instruction at Sargent Center in small groups. Ski rentals available. Possible additional day ticket fee for any skiing off-site. Leader has option to move event to Feb 22-24 weekend, by Jan 28 postponement deadline, if adequate snow is in question. Non-refundable $60 deposit due by December 21, payable to Chris Shafer. Full payment due in early January. Check with registrar first before sending payment. L Christopher Shafer (401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,, reg/w Christopher Shafer (PO Box 103, Wakefield, RI 02880, 401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,
Fri., Feb. 8-10. Wildcat Ridge Traverse. Day hike the length of the Wildcat Ridge by the Wildcat Ridge and 19 Mile Brook Trails. 9.4 miles with 3,250 ft of elevation gain. Challenging, all day hike, early start, late finish, for experienced, well-conditioned winter hikers. Sunday, leaders' choice. Stay at Pinkham (Joe Dodge Lodge) Friday and Saturday nights. Cost $160.00, includes 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. Closing date for sign up is Jan 20. L Charles Killam (, CL Elise Hedglen , reg/w Elise Hedglen (
Fri., Feb. 8-10. Ski Best Snow in White Mts, Bretton Woods. Best reliable, well-groomed snow. Stay at AMC Highland Center, Crawford Notch, 2 happy hours, breakfasts, dinners, 2 nights lodging, 2/rm, bunks. Possible visit to Mt Washington Hotel, fun, good company! Fee $187. L Jack Schempp, reg/w Jack Schempp (47 Arbor Drive, Providence, RI 02908, 401-331-4553 7-9,
Tue., Feb. 12. Beach Pond South, Arcadia Mgmt area hike. (new) 7-8 mile hike using Tippecansett, Dye Hill, Brushy Brook & Hemlock Ledges trails. Long day. Must wear legal orange. Bring water, snacks & lunch. 9:30 start. L Marcie Madsen (401-364-6538,, L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,
Fri., Feb. 15-18. Challenging Day Hikes on Presidents Day Weekend. Enjoy spectacular views from a remote 4,000 foot peak. For those in good condition with winter experience. Long day possible. Proper winter gear required. Sunday's hike is leaders' choice. $185 for 3 nights' lodging, 3 breakfasts and 2 dinners. L Ed Poyer (, CL Mike McGuigan
Fri., Feb. 22-24. Cross-Country Skiing Beginner/Intermediate Instructional Weekend. (newly scheduled) $160 fee includes Fri & Sat lodging at Sargent Center, 3 Sat meals and 2 Sun meals, happy hour, and ski instruction at Sargent Center in small groups. Ski rentals available. Possible additional day ticket fee for any skiing off-site. Send full payment, payable to Chris Shafer, to PO Box 103, Wakefield, RI 02880. Deadline for leader to receive payment is Feb. 15. For any questions, contact Chris. reg/w Christopher Shafer (PO Box 103, Wakefield, RI 02880, 401-789-8331 7 PM - 9 PM,
Sat., Feb. 23-24. Ice Climbing, Smuggler's Notch, VT. Designed for experienced rock climbers who have attended the rock courses or have equivalent experience. Must have, or rent, own gear. Cost share lodging. Must register with leader. L Peter Barlow (860-675-3772,
Fri., Mar. 15-17. Mt Carrigain Weekend. Join us for our attempt at Mt Carrigain by the Signal Ridge Trail. Challenging, 14 mile/3,250ft hike for intermediate to experienced, well-conditioned winter hikers. Long day, possible return in the dark. Sunday, leaders choice. Stay at Shapleigh Bunkhouse Friday and Saturday nights. Approximate cost $110.00, includes 2 nights lodging and 2 breakfasts. Must register by Feb 27. L Charles Killam (, CL Scott Disnard, reg/w Scott Disnard (
Fri., Mar. 15-17. Mt. Waumbek/Tecumseh Step-by-Step. Sat, moderate climb to a Presidential view, a winter wonderland ridge, and a 4,000 ft peak. 7.8 mi with 2850 ft elevation gain. Sun, hike to Waterville Valley ski summit. Full winter gear required. $125 for 2 nights' motel, 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. L Ed Poyer (, CL Elise Hedglen , reg/w Elise Hedglen (96 Spencer Ct, Wakefield, RI 02879,
Fri., Mar. 22-24. Northern Peaks of the Presidential's Hiking Weekend. Join the leaders as they attempt to summit Mount Adams via the Randolph Path and Spur trails. Group will overnight at one of the RMC high cabins on Saturday (either Crag Camp or Gray Knob). Possible Madison summit attempt on Sunday, conditions permitting. Full winter gear, appropriate fitness level, and significant above-treeline in winter experience required. Limited availability. Cost of $70 covers one night of lodging and breakfast at the Shapleigh Bunk House and one overnight at the cabin. L Bernardo Aumond, CL Scott Sprague (401-934-3103,, reg/w Bernardo Aumond (464 Hanover Street, #6, Boston, MA 02113, 617-335-7684,
Fri., Jun. 7-9. Alpine Flowers hike weekend. Enjoy the miniature beauty of alpine blossoms and spectacular views along the Presidential Range. One night at the Shapleigh bunk house, one night at the Lakes of the Clouds Hut. For the experienced mountain hiker with proper equipment. Twelve miles r.t., 6-7 hours per day, 2800 feet of elevation gain at a moderate steady pace. Should be comfortable scrambling rocks with a full pack. $200 includes 2 nights of lodging and 2 breakfasts. L Margie Parsons (401-743-3405,, CL Bernardo Aumond , reg/w Bernardo Aumond (464 Hanover Street, #6, Boston, MA 02113, 617-335-7684,