3 Watt LED Bike Light
February, 2008,
Rev c
Michael Krabach
Prototype 6 - Triple Cree revised heat sink
This light is a revision of prototype 2, constructed of 1 ½ “ and 3/4” aluminum angle stock instead of a commercial heat sink. I also made two bases for this prototype. The width of the light is 3” which was dictated by the space needed by the L2 optics. This unit has about the the same heat sinking ability as Prototype 2 and is easier to construct. All the pieces were clamped and bonded together with JB Weld epoxy. There is a rear angle that was not bonded (for construction convenience) to the base, but was bolted to the base with the clamp bolt. Heat sink compounded can be used between the bolted surfaces.
This time I had ordered the Luxdrive 3023 Buckpuck in the pre-wired version, which is much simpler to fit in a loose configuration. I again used the 1000 ma version and a 5K pot to control the brightness.
The LEDs were mounted in the same manner as prototype 2 except the star LEDs are bonded to the base with Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive this time. The L2 Optics with the 8 deg diffusers were used in this prototype. The 4” plastic clamp was bolted on the bottom of the light. Again surplus PC power connectors were used to connect to the 12 volt gel cell. While this light is easy to build and dissipates the heat well, it has a rather crude look.