Position opening in November for Communications Chair.
Greetings from the Chapter Chair
I am very privileged to serve the Narragansett Chapter as your Chair for the year 2011 and am looking forward to hearing your suggestions on ways to continually build on the wonderful strength and effectiveness of our Chapter. My main support in the Chair position comes from an outstanding Executive Committee composed of dedicated, enthusiastic and committed members with great ideas and passion for the AMC mission. The Executive Committee established several goals to strive for, including membership satisfaction, leadership recognition, and increased family involvement. We will continue to focus on those goals, as well as increasing our diversity efforts and our conservation work within our various communities.
I invite members and other readers to join us as we move forward in this effort. Become a member of the AMC if you are not already; become a leader in one or more activity areas such as hiking, biking, kayaking, climbing, skiing; join a committee, or volunteer to assist with special projects such as a new members Pot Luck supper, or a big trails repair project; or join the Leadership group by considering a position on the Executive Committee. In this issue, you will find the list of names, positions, and contact information for our Executive Committee/Leadership group. As you know, volunteers are the lifeblood of the AMC. There is a huge amount of talent and dedication out there – please let me or another member of the Leadership group hear from you.
On behalf of the Executive Committee and the entire Leadership Team, I extend great thanks to all, for the amazing things you do to insure that the next generations of AMC members and families will also be outdoors, and able to experience and enjoy this fabulous planet, as we do.
Bonnie England
Chapter Chair